Want to give your baby girl a unique name? Why not try one of these popular Estonian baby girl names?

1. Anastasia/ Anastassia/ Anastasija (ah-nah-STAH-see-ah)
Feminine form of the Greek Anastasios (of resurrection)
Nicknames: Stacy, Ana, Tasha
2. Laura
Derived from the Latin word laurus, meaning “a bay or laurel plant.”
Nicknames: Lola, Laurie, Lorelai
3. Lisete/ Lisette
Derived from the name Lisa, meaning consecrated of God
Nickname: Lizzy, Liz
4. Anette/ Anete
Derived from French name Anne, meaning gracious/ full of grace
Nicknames: Nettie, Annie
5. Viktoria
Derived from the Latin word Victoria, meaning victory
Nicknames: Vika, Tory, Vicky
6. Maria
Derived from the name Mary, in Hebrew Miryam, meaning bitterness/sister of Moses/Mother Mary
Nicknames: Marie, Ria, Mimi
7. Carolin/ Caroline/ Karolina (Karol-LINE-ah)
Derived from the Latin word carolus, meaning fully grown, mature; feminine version
Nicknames: Carrie, Lina
8. Sandra (sahn-dra)
Short form of Alexandra or Cassandra; means “defender of mankind” in Greek
Nicknames: Sandy, Shasha
9. Annabel/ Anabel (Ah-na-bel)
Derived from Norman arn (eagle) or Latin amablis, meaning lovable
Nicknames: Annie, Anne, Bella
We hope this list of popular Estonian baby girl names gives you more choices!