What is Parent Hub?
While answers to your parenting questions can easily be obtained on the Internet, not all sources are credible. Many of them do not specifically cater to the Singaporean context. To ensure that you receive accurate information, as well as that the content is selected and supported by local medical experts, The Health Promotion Board has created Parent Hub, a one-stop health portal for both parents and parents-to-be. It provides bite-sized content to help you to learn the ins and outs of raising a happy and healthy child from pregnancy to your child’s teenage years.
1. Pregnancy – Here’s Where It All Starts!

You’ve finally seen those two lines that you have been waiting for. You’re both thrilled and anxious at the same time. After you get over the initial euphoria, you are likely to start having many questions about how to make your pregnancy smooth sailing. This is for both you and your child to be healthy!
Parent Hub shares a wide array of tips for you to have a healthy pregnancy as well as what to expect during each trimester. It also provides information on common conditions such as Gestational Diabetes Mellitus.
Get the information you need to ease your fears and enjoy a stress-free pregnancy!
2. Parents with Children aged 0 – 2 Years: The Cutest Time!

The learning curve at this stage is steep. Your life has changed tremendously, and you are dealing with so many things – breastfeeding, medical checkups, immunisations, and many visits to the pediatrician. You might not always get the chance to have an in-depth conversation with your child’s doctor and there are many things you want to know more about. Parent Hub offers information and guides on baby care, immunisations, growth and development, sleep tips, screen time guidelines and so much more. Parent Hub will walk you through these incredibly joyous first two years of your child’s life!
3. Parents with Children aged 3 – 6 Years: When They Grow Up Too Fast

These few years really fly by at the speed your child is dashing around the house. Keeping up takes stamina because you’re literally running to keep up with them. This is also when meals become a lot more than milk and porridge. Parent Hub has a wide array of resources from healthy recipes to age-appropriate guides on practicing good hygiene and much more. Also, children at this stage are so curious and playful that sleep is the last thing on their minds. To help you in this area, Parent Hub even has a sleep page to help you instill proper sleeping habits in your children.
4. Parents with Children aged 7 – 12 Years: The Road Leading to the PSLE

This is when your child first starts to experience academic pressure. First, it’s the transition to primary school. Then, it’s coping with examinations for the first time. This is also when your child starts to enter the pre-teen years and must deal with puberty, identity, changes, and everything leading up to the teenage years. Nothing can prepare you for when your child moves from cuddles and crayons to tears over schoolwork. But with the right support and guidance, it won’t be as daunting as it seems. Parent Hub provides tips on building bonds with your pre-teens, supporting and caring for their mental well-being, strategies to cope with exam stress, and a lot more.
5. Parents with Teenagers: Letting Go while Providing the Support

As your child enters the teenage years, change is inevitable. They may start experimenting with the way they dress or want to spend more time with their friends, they may even be more irritable at times. This might even leave us feeling a little hurt. These teenage years require patience and adaptability and they need our support more so then ever now to understand and spot the signs when they may be in distress. Parent Hub is here to help you with the resources and information on managing your teen’s mental well-being, coping with peer pressure, building their self-esteem, and more. Hang in there parents, you’ve got this!
6. Parenting Workshops and Events Curated Just For You!

Getting out of the house and participating in activities is an ideal way to spend your time with your child. It also helps you to build bonds as a family and meet a community of people in the same season of life as you. Parent Hub gives you access to a range of parent and child events such as post-natal workouts, activities with the family, mental health and nutrition workshops and so much more.
Don’t Forget to Enjoy the Ride!
Parents, the parenting journey is one of the most incredible things you will ever experience in your life. Inevitably, it will be fraught with challenges every now and then. When the going gets tough, remind yourself that nothing worth having comes easy. Parent Hub is here to journey with you, and along with these information and resources, don’t forget to form your network of parents to share your ups and downs. Your children will grow up in the blink of an eye so take every step to make this journey less stressful and more enjoyable!