Husbands and wives, let’s face it: one of the best parts about your relationship was the amazing and passionate period of time known as the honeymoon phase. Fun dates, mini-vacations, constant butterflies in your tummy, and bedroom escapades…it’s truly a magical time.
Well, as you may know or have heard, that feeling doesn’t last forever… or does it? What if I were to tell you that there were a way to maintain the fun and intimacy of the honeymoon phase no matter how long you’ve been with you s.o.?
Guess what. There is!
All it takes is a little effort, and help from the experts. As a matter of fact, you’ll be able to keep your relationship as hot and spicy as ever in as little as 7 simple steps!
Check out the list and get back to the honeymoon phase today:
Step 1: Flirt as often as possible
Flirting shouldn’t ever feel like a task, but sometimes we forget how important it is to make our loved ones feel…well, loved. Maybe it’s because we just grow accustomed to each other? “It’s human nature to take what’s consistently available to us for granted,” says (the aptly named) Ginnie Love, Ph.D., psychotherapist.
Well, just because you’ve grown used to seeing your husband or wife on a daily basis doesn’t mean the flirting has to die down. In fact, you should strive to keep your flirt muscles in shape! Try sending some flirty messages, make googly eyes over dinner, or anything to replicate that flirtatious mentality you once had when you were in the honeymoon phase.
“Keep it sexy, even if you feel too exhausted at the end of the day to frolic,” says Dr. Love. “Fun is the name of the game. Keep it lively!”

Step 2: Speak your partner’s “love language”
Experts like Marla Zeiderman, Psy.D., and licensed clinical psychologist, believe that “People speak love languages—or the ways we show and feel love—in different ways.”
If you feel like you’ve fallen into a funk or can’t seem to get back those butterflies, try communicating and figuring out what your partner cherishes most. That is, rediscover their “love language”. For some, that’s kissing or hugging. For others, that’s holding hands or cuddling. Figure out and cater to your partner’s love language!
Looking for ways to rekindle that honeymoon phase and keep it? Find out more expert tips by visiting the next page!
Step 3: Keep it fun and playful
A lot of the times, what drags couples away from the honeymoon phase is monotony, and mundane daily routines. That’s why you have to spice it up every now and then. Keep it fun, keep it playful, and most of all make it interesting!
Dr. Zeiderman suggests “mini-honeymoons”. These mini-honeymoons, as she claims, “include a round of mini-golf, sharing a triple-decker ice cream cone, exploring a new part of town, and even a pajama Saturday.”
“Mini-honeymoons don’t require large investments of time or money,” she adds. It’s all about keeping a fun mentality, and eagerness to put forth effort.

Step 4: Embrace a little me-time
I know. It sounds silly. You’re probably saying to yourself, “How can spending time apart possibly be beneficial to our seeking the honeymoon phase?”
The answer: more than you might know.
“Anyone who has ever been in a relationship that did not last long after the honeymoon period can tell you that what was once cute and sexy can become immature and annoying after lots of time together,” says Jill McDevitt, Ph.D., sexologist at Swiss Navy lubricants. “Having alone time is very important because it gives you an identity outside of the relationship,” she adds.
Indulge in the occasional personal space, and distance. Use your me-time to do the things you;’d like to do. Hang out with friends, go visit your family, run some errands, etc. It’s entirely up to you. All that matters is that you respect each other enough to give a little me-time.
After all, the less someone sees you, the more they miss you.
Step 5: Spontaneity is crucial
No one likes someone who’s too unpredictable. Then again, no one likes someone whom they can read like a book. That’s why the key to getting back that honeymoon phase (and holding on to it) comes from healthy dose of spontaneity!
“When it comes to gifts, it’s the thought that counts, not the price tag. Leave quirky notes in his gym bag or make him his fave dinner. The time and intention you put into these random acts of kindness will reignite the passion and memories of when you first got together,” says Dr. Love.
Looking for ways to rekindle that honeymoon phase and keep it? Find out more expert tips by visiting the next page!
Step 6: Reminisce with each other
Not to make you feel like one of those old couples in the park, but there’s no doubt that you can comfortably utter something along the lines of, “Remember the days when…?”
Take the time to timehop with each other and look back over old photographs, and relationship building memories. Think back to all the pivotal points in your relationship and do it with a smile on your faces. Heck, you can even look back to the good times you shared on your actual honeymoon!
“Almost a decade into my relationship, after the initial honeymoon phase ended, the thing that got me most excited about my partner was seeing his baby pictures for the first time,” says McDevitt. “He was such a cute kid, and we bonded over him telling me some of his childhood memories.”
You’ve been in love with each other long enough to talk about some cherished moments you enjoyed together…take a tender moment to think back on them together.

Step 7: Never sacrifice date nights
You may not have a regularly scheduled date night, and honestly, that’s okay. The key, though, is to never stop dating. Whether it;s properly planned, or out of the blue, you should always be willing to go out on a fun filled, lovey dovey date!
“Spending time together helps ensure you’re continuing to learn about the new person your partner is becoming every day,” says McDevitt. “That primes your relationship for more honeymoon phases to come.”
Dates don’t even necessarily have to mean leaving the house. In fact, they can be anything under the sun. All that matters is that you spend time with each other, and that you cherish the moment as much as you did when you were in that initial honeymoon phase!
This article was based on a post originally shared by Women’s Health Magazine
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