Find out more about Learning Vision Preschool in the upcoming open house!
Preschool is always a mystery for parents and they wonder if their child is eating right, having enough rest and if the quality of the curriculum provides a good foundation for the future. These form only a few of the natural concerns every parent has.
At Learning Vision, we recognise the importance of home-school collaboration in providing an all rounded education for your child and we would love to speak with you on how we can best aid your child’s development. Let our dedicated and experienced educators bring you on an enriching journey as you gain insight into the award-winning curriculum designed specially for your child. Needless to say, it is delivered by passionate teachers through a fun and innovative environment that we believe children learn best in.
Join us at our Open House to find out more:
– Our centre
– Our philosophy
– Our curriculum and pedagogy
– Our academic team
Venues in the West:
Learning Vision @ Alpha
Learning Vision @ Fusionopolis
Learning Vision @ Icon
Learning Vision @ Sunshine Place
Venue in the North:
Learning Vision @ Vista Point
Saturday, 18 February 2012
10am – 1pm
Call us at 6781 0888 to register for the Open House! For more details: https://www.learningvision.com/events-and-news/events