Breastfeeding is difficult, but—as any mother who has ever breastfed their child can say—is extremely rewarding. Holding your child close to you as he gets nourishment from your very body can’t compare to any other feeling. What makes the experience even more beautiful is the knowledge that it can’t last—at some point, we have to stop breastfeeding our child, and so we cherish the time when we do.
One theAsianparent Community user asked the community about knowing when it’s finally time to stop breastfeeding.

Here’s what the theAsianparent Community community had to say.
It’s a personal choice
Only you can say when you should stop breastfeeding your baby. You should definitely listen to your doctor, of course, but other than that, you should just do what feels right for you and your baby.
“Quite a number of my friends hopes to continue till the baby shows signs that he/she wants to wean off the breast,” Hui Q.N. wrote. “Some stopped because work caught up with them and it is not easy to continue while having to balance work and home.”
On the next page: what to do when you don’t want to breastfeed anymore.
If you don’t want to breastfeed anymore, stop
It’s recommended that you keep breastfeeding your child until she turns 6 months old, then gradually introduce other foods while continuing to breastfeed. However, if you don’t feel good about breastfeeding, you shouldn’t force yourself to.
Photo: Fotolia
“If you don’t enjoy it anymore, that’s probably a sign to stop,” advised Idza B. “I know a lot of moms continue to breastfeed because they feel they should (and I applaud them for it), but if you’re not enjoying your time breastfeeding anymore, I reckon it will do no good for either yourself or baby.”
Lynn Y. agreed. “If it’s getting burdensome such that it’s affecting your sanity or health, stopping is an option for consideration,” she wrote. “At the end of the day, Happy Mummy = Happy Baby.”
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