What’s your reaction when your kid walks in through the door all covered in mud and grass stains?
Do you begin tearing your hair out and yell, “What have you been doing? How am I ever going to get those stains out?” or do you smile and say to your kid, “Tell me about the adventures you had just now.”
Do you let your laundry worries limit your child’s learning? Or do you join in his messy fun, because you know that your laundry will take care of the stains?
Kid’s playtime is messy – they end up with as much colour on their clothes as they do on paper, as much glitter on their face as on their art, as mud on themselves as on their soccer boots, as much spaghetti sauce on themselves as in their tummy!
And this mess, this dirt is good mums and dads! Because children learn by doing.
Messy play is how kids learn best.
Dirt is good
Children need to play — that is how they learn. But when they play there will be mess. But worry not parents, messy play has many many benefits for children. Recent studies have shown that toddlers who grasp, feel, taste and even throw objects – especially their food – are constantly gathering information about the world around them.
In fact they have found that the messier toddlers were the ones who were better at learning and retaining the words.
It is through a sensorial exploration of the world that children make sense of it. And messy play often stimulates many of children’s senses at once — and it is this process of stimulation that is key to early learning, especially during the early years – right from infancy up to primary school. Child development experts across the world are increasingly finding that experiential learning – otherwise known as ‘learning-by-doing’ – is one of the most essential and effective ways that our kids pick up important life skills.
Dirt is a badge of honour for the kids. Those smudges, blobs, streaks and stains tell them and us that they have been out there and learned something new.
So yes parents dirt is good, actually.
Cleaning stains is a ‘Breeze’
The reason why most parents break into a cold sweat on hearing the words “messy” and “kids” in the same sentence is because they can feel their shoulders sag with the burden of the laundry that they will have to sort through as a result of this.
So even if we would be happy with our kids getting messy, it is the fear of that humongous pile of laundry at the end of the day, that makes us discourage them from certain explorations. Our worry about what should ideally be a simple chore often leads to us inadvertently limiting our own child’s learning.
But mums and dads here is some good news for you: removing common playtime stains like paint, mud, chocolate, and tomato sauce can be done in a few easy steps – thanks to Breeze!
Breeze helps you remove even the toughest stains and here is how you can achieve stain free clothes in two easy steps:
Step 1: No matter what the stain is, scrape off as much residue off your garment as possible.
Step 2: Rub a small amount of detergent on the problem area and then let your machine do the washing.
Your kids’ clothes require no soaking, no bleaching. Getting common playtime stains of them is literally a ‘Breeze’.
Watch the video below to see how.
How to get rid of stainsRaising your kids to be healthy and active can be a messy affair. Here are some tips to get rid of those tough stains kids bring home from their adventures!
Posted by TheAsianParent on Thursday, August 20, 2015
And if it is paint and glitter time then, don’t say no. Join in!
Mums try it out for yourself! Get your free samples of Breeze by simply clicking here.
If you have any fun stories about your child’s messy play or have managed to get playtime stains out easily, share your experiences with us below in the comments section.