How Does Exercise Help Sexually? It Can Help Improve Your Sex Life

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Make exercise a part of your daily routine to enjoy a great sex life. Better yet, here are some tips of burning calories while you're at it. Enjoy...

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How does exercise help sexually? Doctors have come to understand that mental and physical well being go hand in hand. If you want to bring back the magic in your bedroom back to how it was, it is important to get back into shape. Lovemaking is very important and it helps keep the sparks flying in a relationship.

Have you gained a few pounds in recent years? Do you have a negative body image of yourself?  A person who does not feel good about his/her own physique is most likely to have a dull sex life from lack of confidence and focusing on negative aspects of the self instead of enjoying the moment.

Make it a joint activity

If you want to change things in your bedroom, make exercise a part of your daily routine. The daily exercise regimen will make both you and your partner feel good about each other and enhance your libido. A good idea will be to join your local gym classes and work out together. There are tons of gyms all around Singapore, and a bunch actually offer first month free trials. Alternatively, check with your CC if they have a gym. Fees for using the CC gyms range around $2 per person.

Bond and connect

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Having a healthy physique can renew the sparks in your lives and make you feel revitalized despite the grinding schedule of your daily life. Working out together can also help you bond better with your partner. Both you and your partner require motivation and support to exercise well. And don’t underestimate the effects of seeing each other hot and sweaty after a good round of exercise! So motivate each other to develop a good physique, which in turn will help you to have a great sex life.

Tip: Watching each other get hot and sweaty might do the trick too? You’d be surprised that you can turn each other on after working out as you’re high on endorphins.

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How Does Exercise Help Sexually? Sex As A Workout For More Benefits

We have some tips for you in this area. Get wet; sweat–lose weight while you’re doing it! Keep in mind that if you want the burn, you’ve got to make the sex session last for at least 30 minutes. Don’t jump right into the nookie; that is a sure way to reduce calorie burning.

Explore and experiment for an exhilarating sexperience. Don’t just do the standard missionary—here’s where we will help by giving you a new position every week from the Kama Sutra or other inspirational erotic manuals. Click here for our hot sex position series.

A normal, no frills sexing time will burn 150 calories. Why not burn more? Use the stop and go rule—it will also lower cholesterol levels. With the oxygen supply in your body enhanced and blood circulation improved, why resist the urge? Your man will be one happy camper!

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Written by

Sandra Ong