How does giving birth in your 40s start? — She gets out of college, in her 20s, with stars in her eyes; her dreams, aspirations and that high-flying job beckoning her. She works long hours in a bid to make her mark in today’s fast-paced world.
Got to get that master’s degree first. And aim for that promotion. And save up for a house. Then, Mr. Right comes along and they marry. Babies? Don’t want any now. What’s the hurry? Will travel the world a bit before they come along. Need more time to settle into that new job. Cannot give up on that dream career.
Is she 37 already? That’s strange, the last time she checked, she was 27.
Still not too late to have a baby right? Wrong.

Fertility drops to 15% in the mid-thirties
According to a report on AsiaOne, about 45 % of women in Singapore believed it was fairly easy for a couple in their mid-30s to conceive naturally; they thought they had a 50% chance!
However, in reality, the possibility of such a conception is just 15 %.
The truth is that in today’s Singapore, for most highly educated women, motherhood doesn’t start until the 30s. This is although most Singaporean women are aware that their natural fertility declines with age.
The obvious reasons for not having babies early are not finding the right partner, career issues, income, and even not having enough money to buy a house!
Another reason might be that most couples today are overconfident that, with advances in science and technology, they would still be able to conceive, through in vitro fertilisation (IVF) or through frozen or donor eggs.

Giving birth in your 40s: Why a trend?
Interestingly, the number of Singaporean women giving birth in 40s has doubled over the past thirty years!
In contrast, the number of women having babies between the ages of 25 and 29 – considered the right age for motherhood – has halved in the same time frame. Is this a healthy trend? What are the implications?
Risks of late pregnancies
- A woman in her 40s has an approximately one-in-six chance of conceiving naturally with every cycle. If and when she gets pregnant, she also faces a higher risk of miscarriage and stillbirth. Older mothers also have a higher chance of giving birth prematurely.
- Women below the age of 35 have a 60-70 % chance of becoming pregnant through IVF. Those above 40 have only a 20-25 % chance.
- The risk of complications during pregnancy increases as women get older. These include gestational diabetes, heart disease and hypertension.
- A 40-year-old mum’s risk of having a Down’s syndrome baby is apparently 10 times higher than if she were under the age of 30.
- Delaying motherhood means that there’s a huge age gap between the mother and child. These mums will be close to retirement age by the time their child gets out of school.
With the estimated cost of raising a child in Singapore approximated to be around $400,000, saving up for a child’s education, and preparing for retirement are financial concerns that would need to be addressed.
- Older mothers may not have as much energy to raise a child. Their remaining lifespan is another concern.
Giving birth in your 40s: Minimising risks involved in late pregnancies
According to AsiaOne, Dr Tan Eng Loy, a consultant at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Singapore General Hospital advises these tips for older women wanting to have babies:
Consult your your doctor to ensure that any existing medical issues like diabetes, hypertension or heart conditions, are in control. These may complicate your pregnancy.
The doctor will advise you on whether you would have to adjust your medication so that it does not affect your chances of conceiving, or harm your unborn baby’s health.
As soon as your home pregnancy test shows positive, get your doctor’s appointment. Make sure that you get yourself screened for all the required tests, like those for Down syndrome and gestational diabetes. Get regular and detailed ultrasound scans.
Get your doctor’s advice on whether labour should be induced at around 39 weeks, that is, close to the delivery date. This is to prevent the possibility of stillbirth.
Chances of having a baby in your 40s
Factors impacting fertility after 40
While fertility can vary greatly from person to person, it is important to understand the factors that can impact fertility after the age of 40. One significant factor is the decline in egg quantity and quality.
As women age, the number of eggs in their ovaries decreases, and the remaining eggs may be of lower quality, making it more difficult to conceive.
Additionally, hormonal changes can affect the regularity of ovulation, further reducing the chances of pregnancy.
Other factors that can influence fertility include underlying health conditions such as endometriosis or polycystic ovary syndrome, as well as lifestyle factors such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and obesity.
It is essential for individuals considering pregnancy in their 40s to consult with their healthcare provider to assess their fertility potential and explore available options.
Advanced maternal age and risks
Advanced maternal age, commonly defined as being 35 years or older at the time of conception, is associated with certain risks and considerations during pregnancy.
One of the primary concerns is an increased likelihood of chromosomal abnormalities, such as Down syndrome, due to the higher chance of errors in egg division as women age.
Additionally, advanced maternal age is linked to a higher risk of gestational diabetes, hypertension, and pre-eclampsia. These conditions can pose potential complications for both the mother and the baby.
Furthermore, there is an increased risk of miscarriage and stillbirth compared to younger women. To ensure the best possible outcome, healthcare providers may recommend additional prenatal screenings and monitoring for women of advanced maternal age.
Women in this age group must have open and honest discussions with their healthcare professionals about their individual risks and options for a safe and healthy pregnancy.
Medical options for conception at 40+
In the pursuit of conception at 40 and beyond, there are several medical options available to assist women in their journey towards pregnancy.
One commonly used method is in vitro fertilisation (IVF), which involves the retrieval of eggs from the ovaries, fertilisation with sperm in a laboratory setting, and then transferring the resulting embryos into the uterus.
IVF can offer a higher chance of pregnancy for women in their 40s as it bypasses age-related issues with egg quality and quantity.
Another option is the use of donor eggs, where eggs from a younger, more fertile woman are utilised for fertilisation. This can greatly improve the chances of achieving a successful pregnancy, even for women with diminished ovarian reserve.
Additionally, fertility medications, such as Clomid or letrozole, can be prescribed to stimulate ovulation and increase the chances of conception. It is important to consult with a fertility specialist to discuss individual circumstances, potential risks, and the most suitable medical options for achieving pregnancy in the 40s and beyond.
Also READ: Is it a good idea to get pregnant after 40
Sources: AsiaOne, The Straits Times, AsiaOne