If your two-year-old can read and/or speak coherently and has an IQ of 120 or above, you have a gifted child at home. Such children demonstrate great potential and excel in areas such as the performing arts, sports, as well as academics.
While most schools may not provide an opportunity for such children to reach their full potential, gifted preschools in Singapore are changing the norm.
Part of Singapore’s Gifted Education Programme (GEP), gifted preschools in Singapore cater to intellectually gifted students so they can excel in every avenue.
However, for them to really excel, it is important that they are identified as ‘gifted’ at home and then nurtured by schools as such.
Let’s find out more about the operations of a gifted school in Singapore and how they help hone a child’s talent.
How To Identify A Truly Gifted Child
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A gifted child can be identified by tracking their progress through various developmental milestones.
According to Pamela See, an educational and developmental psychologist, sign that indicates your child may be intellectually gifted is if they achieving milestones in areas much ahead of their peers.
She further adds that this is applicable to children across various age groups, including infants, toddlers and also preschoolers.
But the definition of giftedness can also be broad.
As Dr Wilson, another physiologist explains that a gifted child can demonstrate great potential to excel in areas such as performing arts, sports, academics, and others.
However, it is crucial that you identify their talent from quite early on. And according to latest reports, it has very much become a reality in Singapore that is witnessing an increased parental involvement.
Parents are much more involved with their kids
According to The Straits Times report on gifted pre-schools in Singapore, parents today are much more involved with their kids. So it is easier for them to realise if their kids are gifted in any particular area.
But for those who haven’t yet managed to identify their child’s true potential, an assessment can come in handy.
It will help you understand the way their mind works and also what they may need as stimulation. You can then get your child admitted to a gifted school in Singapore, where teachers can better plan for your little one.
For preschoolers, the main characteristic traits of giftedness usually fall under three categories:
1. Psychomotor development and motivation
2. Language and learning
3. Personal-social characteristics
So if your child is extraordinarily gifted in any of the three areas or maybe all of the three, it’s time to assess their IQ levels!
How Gifted Schools In Singapore Can Work With Children
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Some of the gifted schools might choose to take children through screening tests, mostly to understand the profile and the area of your child’s interest and they can work on their programme accordingly.
Children in these schools are taught subjects using different techniques and methods. For instance, in some preschools, English may be introduced through phonics, and General Knowledge and Music may also be used to teach a language.
In fact, the curriculum can also be advanced in some cases. For instance, your child may learn to write poetry and short stories, and even get introduced to concepts that are usually covered at the secondary school level.
Such schools encourage and provide opportunities for your gifted little ones to develop their social skills and also build strong friendships. They also provide enough stimulation for your child’s young brain.
Challenges Of Gifted Students
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Remember gifted children may face difficulties to cope and connect with peers due to their advanced intellectual level.
You may find that your gifted child may face a fear of failure. They may end up putting extreme pressure on themselves to be perfect. This may cause them undue emotional distress.
It is therefore, important that as parents you address this area of concern at the earliest.
In fact, there are tuition centres on the island to help students who are unable to cope with the gifted curriculum. The opponents of this teaching method cite research and debates that say that IQ is not fixed and can evolve with age.
They also believe that you can’t measure intelligence level in children who are this young. In addition to this, IQ measures a very narrow definition of intelligence, which doesn’t take into account social and emotional skills.
According to the ST report, parents today are jostling to send their kids to enrichment classes to help them learn new skills, but ask your children if they are interested? Do they really want to pick up that skill? Instead of enrichment classes, answer their questions and fuel their curiosity!
Strive to give your child a normal childhood. Remember, every child is different and has their own strengths and weaknesses! And if yours has a truly extraordinary smarts, it is time to hone their skills properly.
Study source: The Straits Times
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