Traditionally, schools follow the one-size-fits-all model. All students are taught and evaluated in the same way, shunning online learning. The fundamental flaw with this method of teaching is that it assumes all children learn at the same pace, in the same way. This is not even close to true. As a parent, it is important for you to understand this gap in education and ensure that your child gets the best possible guidance so they can achieve their best, especially if you have ambitious children at home.
Let us understand this with a simple example. Today, YouTube knows what videos you like. Your e-retailer recommends clothes that you enjoy. And, GrabFood tailors your preferred food items for lunch. Technology has come a long way and has revolutionised almost all aspects of our lives. Then why not leverage it for better, more holistic education for your child?
The education landscape has been undergoing innovative digital transformation in Singapore; as well as across the region for the past few years now. According to a pre-COVID report, Singapore’s eLearning market is expected to triple in valuation by the year 2027. In 2020, amidst the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdowns, this trend spiked significantly. Schools and colleges had to embrace online learning solutions in an almost overnight fashion.
There is no denying that online learning is the way forward. It is the future of education in Singapore and around the world.
Online Learning Is Here To Stay

Some might misjudge the emergence of online learning as a quick fix to the coronavirus crisis. However, expert opinion concludes that online learning is here to stay.
This is primarily because, in addition to providing easy access to education for all, online learning has much more to offer. Different children possess unique learning styles; therefore they need a tailored approach to reach their true potential. This is where online learning platforms come in.
They can leverage technology to offer a personalised education. Your children can learn at their own pace and spend more time on topics that challenge and interest them intellectually.
Boosted Online Learning Is The Future

Studies have shown that boosted or blended learning— traditional education coupled with online learning— has a number of benefits. Your child will have a high degree of control over when and where they engage with course materials and activities. They can also control synchronous facetime with teachers.
Education in Singapore is changing, and students, parents and educators need to be able to successfully adapt to that change. For ambitious and motivated students, this is especially important as personalised e-Learning can lead to substantive personal and intellectual growth both in and out of school.
Crimson Education’s Crimson Global Academy was founded as a way to align with the changing face of education worldwide. Crimson Global Academy — a global online high school that connects ambitious students with world-class teachers and university-recognised qualifications –— is helping families in Singapore give their children opportunities to excel that might not be available in traditional schools.
Why Ambitious Parents Are Choosing Crimson Global Academy?

Today, the rise of edtech in Singapore means that choosing the right platform for your overachiever might be a daunting process. It is important to understand the benefits of a learning platform before having your child commit to hours in virtual classes if you really want them to excel.
At CGA, students are assessed by ability, not age. This means that unlike at traditional schools, motivated younger students can learn subjects that interest them irrespective of their age. For instance, a 13-year-old student from Singapore is currently receiving CGA instruction in Chemistry, Physics, Economics and Business Studies: these are subjects that typically are not available to students until they reach high school or university levels.
Multiple studies and reports also support the theory that when students are allowed to learn based on their ability and not age, they have higher chances of achieving better academic results. Assessing students on ability gives younger students the flexibility to explore their intellectual interests in structured classroom settings – leading to happier, more motivated, more successful students.
Leveraging Technology To Foster Better, More Focused Learning

In Singapore, with class sizes reaching an average of over 33 in primary and between 30 to 34 in secondary classes, a teacher’s attention isn’t necessarily always available for feedback when your child needs it the most. This gap can be filled with online learning that enables an expanded level of interaction. At CGA, your child gets focused guidance with small classrooms that are capped at a maximum limit of 12 students.
Furthermore, in today’s increasingly globalised world, the most successful students are those that are considered “global citizens”, who are able to thrive in multicultural environments both in and out of school. These skills carry substantive weight when students apply for internships or top universities. At CGA, students are able to hone these skills with access to a highly diverse global alumni network of like-minded, high-achieving peers.
Currently, CGA has students enrolled from over 21 different countries, including Singapore. This means that students are able to benefit from incredible diversity and international perspectives in a truly global learning environment. All this – right from the comfort of their own home.
There are various types of learners, but all children benefit from being given the resources and tools they need. Your child may be highly motivated with great academic ambitions, but they need the right tools to succeed.

With the technological advancements of recent years, students today have access to innovative, cutting-edge education solutions to supercharge their learning. The benefits of boosted learning are undeniable proving that online learning truly is here to stay. In fact, it is set to be the way of learning moving forward.
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