Have you started to ask yourself, “Can I dye my hair or perm it while breastfeeding?” You might have already thought about changing your look before you had your baby. But before you go through with dying your hair, there’s a few things you should keep in mind as well.
It’s always best to stay safe, especially with things involving your child. This is probably why you’re also double-checking and wondering “Can I really dye my hair while breastfeeding? Is it safe? Will it get absorbed and affect my milk supply?” Look no further for we have the answers for you, breastfeeding mummy!
Can I Dye My Hair While Breastfeeding? Here’s What You Should Know
Hair dye, bleach, perms and relaxing solutions are all absorbed into the bloodstream to some degree however very minimal. If you are worried about the dye or perm solutions soaking into your skin/getting into your milk, then you can be relieved to know that no studies have shown that this happens.
According to NHS, while there is little information about hair dying while breastfeeding, it is still thought to be fine to do so.
There is no information on having hair treatments during breastfeeding. It is highly unlikely that a significant amount would enter the breast milk because so little enters the mom’s bloodstream. Many women receive hair treatments while breastfeeding, and there are no known reports of negative outcomes.
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Chemical Fumes Are The Problem In A Hair Dye
However, a huge problem that mums complain about is the fact that the baby probably won’t like the smell of the chemicals on your hair. So before you get an exciting thought of “Can I dye my hair while breastfeeding?”, you should consider how this may bother your little one.
According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), hair dyes are probably safe to use because so little dye is absorbed through the skin. However, please be cautious, and we recommend that pregnant women not use permanent hair dyes during the first three months.
“While the absorption through the skin is minimal, the concern is that breathing fumes during the process could be harmful to your baby. Permanent hair dyes contain ammonia which has a strong chemical fume. The recommendation is to avoid hair dyes that contain ammonia. This warning also applies to straightening products as well.
“Semi-permanent dyes or a highlighting process may be considered safer for pregnant women. With highlights, the dye is enclosed in foil and won’t be absorbed into the skin. Vegetable dyes such as henna are also considered likely to be safe for colouring hair during pregnancy,” says ACOG.
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Can I Dye My Hair While Breastfeeding: Test Before You Use Colour
If you’re still wondering, “Can I dye my hair while breastfeeding?”, you should first do a safety test to see if it all works out well for you.
They recommend the following tests (verbatim):
- Consider waiting until the second trimester for hair dye, bleaching, permanents or straightening.
- Have the treatment completed in a well-ventilated area.
- Don’t leave the chemicals on your head any longer than necessary.
- Rinse your scalp thoroughly with water after treatment.
- Wear gloves when applying chemicals.
- Carefully follow directions on the product package.
- Do a patch test for allergic reactions before completing the process
- Never dye or bleach eyebrows or eyelashes. This could cause swelling or increase the risk of infection in the eye area.
For those asking themselves “Can I dye my hair or perm it while I’m breastfeeding?”, we hope this has kept you better informed in keeping both you and your baby safe.
Also read: 7 breastfeeding hygiene tips for new mums