Family and domestic violence has long been a cause for global concern. But the issue has hit home if the latest figures are anything to go by.
The Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF) has reported that in the first six months of 2021, about 3,700 calls were made to a national helpline reporting family violence. Domestic violence cases in Singapore also increased last year.
This revelation was made by Minister of State for Social and Family Development, Ms Sun Xueling, who shared the number of calls received by the National Anti-Violence Helpline.
3,700 Calls Made To National Helpline Reporting Domestic Violence Cases In Singapore
Image source: iStock
According to Ms Sun, MSF received about 6,420 inquiries on family violence in 2020. This is a 44 per cent increase from 4,450 back in 2019.
The number of family violence cases investigated in Singapore also rose by 13 per cent with a total of 1,480 last year. This is up from about 1,310 family violence cases in 2019.
The Straits Times reports that there was also a sharp rise in child abuse cases investigated by MSF last year. The ministry’s Child Protective Service probed 1,313 cases which is 21 per cent more than the past 1,088 cases in 2019.
The Rise Of Family Violence Cases Could Be Due To Pandemic
President of the Singapore Muslim Women’s Association (PPIS) Hazlina Abdul Halim suggested that stress from having to stay at home due to the pandemic could have led to increased tension among families.
She says financial stressors that were also brought upon the Covid-19 pandemic as well as marital and parenting woes could have created greater tension and resulted in violence at home.
MSF has also previously said that the rise in child abuse reports could be due to more outreach efforts and public awareness of domestic violence cases in Singapore.
The Alliance for Action to Strengthen Marriages and Family Relationships, which was launched in January, also hopes to look into rehabilitation for the person who inflicted violence on their family members.
Image source: iStock
Support For Victims Of Family Violence And How Where You Can Seek Help
If you or anyone you know is suffering from family violence, please seek help from the police by reporting to them or call 999 in cases of immediate threat.
There are also various helplines that offer help to victims of domestic violence cases in Singapore which are listed below:
- National Anti-Violence Helpline (NAVH): 1800 777 0000
- AWARE: 1800 777 5555
- Samaritans of Singapore: 1800-221 4444
- Singapore Association for Mental Health: 1800-283-7019
- Care Corner Counselling Centre (Mandarin): 1800-353-5800
Let us create a safer space for our families and especially our children and strive towards a world without violence.
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