When we think of terrorists, we don’t think of the innocent faces of children. And yet the sad reality is that soon, children may be the ones we will grow to be afraid of.
It’s no secret that religious extremists such as the Islamic State have been using children to carry out acts of terror. But you don’t get an idea of this horror until you see them in action.
The Islamic State, in an effort to spread their cause to the world (and in the process ignite more outrage and hatred), constantly out out propaganda featuring their many heinous crimes.

Recently, however, these tech-savvy terrorist released a video that is quite unlike their other videos.
For one, it features an angelic looking boy, yet despite his innocent face, his intent is anything but.
“The video, which is entitled ‘But If You Return, We Will Return 3’ and involves a lengthy narrative about air strikes, was released yesterday on various ISIS terrorist channels,” a Mail Online report said.
“It culminates in the blond-haired boy, who is aged no older than ten but is dressed in combat fatigues, being handed a large handgun and encouraged to fire it into the back of the head of a prisoner of war, wearing an orange jumpsuit.”

These videos may not be getting the views Kim Kardashian’s snapchats are getting, but it does highlight the nightmarish situation that is happening all over the world.
And in the middle of it, innocent children are the ones suffering the most.
If you have a stomach of steel, you can go over on Mail Online to watch the horrific video.
Learn more about the “cubs of the caliphate” on the next page!
Cubs of the Caliphate
ISIS calls the children they groom to be part of their group “Cubs of the Caliphate.”
Months after the Islamic State found a caliphate, it has been estimated that at least a thousand children under 16 were recruited.
“Once they are recruited by IS, the children’s isolation leaves them utterly under the control of military trainers, who school them in the fundamentals of the most fascistic interpretation of sharia law,” Mail Online said in another report.
“Even small children are indoctrinated—from the moment they are able to recite the Koran—into believing that the most honourable act they can perform is to die in the name of the self-declared ISIS leader, Caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.”
Once in the training camps, these children are brainwashed into becoming hateful and murderous through a constant viewing of films documenting jihadi operations against “infidels.”
These children are prevented access from the outside world like the internet and satellite television.
Republished with permission from: theAsianparent Philippines
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