As far as kids go, if it isn’t cool math they’re learning, then the lesson is over even before it begins. Counting games for children–how important are they and are your little ones getting most out of their math games?
While it is fair to say that calculus and algebra are not something every person needs to function in life, there are certain basic mathematical concepts that everyone needs to be proficient in. And the sooner you introduce your children to these concepts, the better.
Math games for kids 2-4 years of age
Counting games for 2-4 year olds will consist of the most basic elements of counting to five and 10. Children this age will memorise numbers before they understand the concept of numbers.
In other words, 1-2-3 will be memorised before they fully understand how much 1, 2 or 3 is. The math games you can play include:
- Counting fingers and toes
- Counting stairs
- Playing hide and seek
- Playing with puzzles
- Counting games in the form of nursery rhymes
- Books that teach numbers and basic counting
- Naming and counting the people in your family
Math games for kids 5-7 years of age
Children this age will understand simple number values and the concepts of more/less and big/little amounts and numbers. Therefore, it is very important to keep math games as easy to learn as possible.
Kids in this age bracket will enjoy sorting and grouping, figuring out which group has more and having more than someone else. Counting games, math apps, and activities suitable for this age group include:
- Simple board games like Candy Land and Trouble
- Storybooks that focus on counting
- Sorting and counting shapes, blocks, coloured candies, coins, socks–basically, anything ‘countable’
- Setting the table and counting out the number of plates, napkins and table service needed
- Playing a mind-reader game. Think of a number and have your child guess it. Use words like more or less, higher or lower so she familiarizes herself with math vocab
- Playing other simple everyday games like tic tac toe and dominoes to help build her math skills
Math games for kids 8-12 years years of age
Children in this age group understand the concepts of addition and subtraction and can do simple math problems. Hence, here is where math apps come in handy. Children on the older end of this age group will also be able to multiply and divide, do fractions, determine greater than and less than and count money.
The will be doing math in school, but that does not mean you shouldn’t enhance the skills they learn by playing math games and doing counting activities at home. To ensure they’re getting the cool math they need, here are things to include:
- Playing games like Sorry, Monopoly and Crazy Eight’s
- Cooking and baking to use measuring skills
- Sorting and organising movies and books
- Counting money in their piggy bank
- Playing store
- Cutting a cake (fractions)
- Dividing candy between family members or friends
- Figuring the cost of a family outing
Cool math games for kids — gotta have it!
The basics of math aren’t going anywhere. That is why it is so important to help your child have a complete understanding for the why and how of mathematics.
So parents, what’re waiting for? It’s time to bring out these suggested cool math games for kids and let them at it! If done right, math games will never be boring again.