Let us help you figure out the dynamics of how to choose dyslexia friendly books for kids!
Can dyslexic children enjoy reading? The answer is a definitive YES! While dyslexia makes it difficult for sufferers to read, write or spell, it does not mean that dyslexics do not enjoy reading. In fact, parents should encourage their children to read and support that interest by choosing dyslexia friendly books for kids.
RELATED: Dyslexia and children
Understanding reading level
Parents gauge how good your child is at reading with these tips!
While every child is different, a good rule of thumb is that if your child is unable to read five or more words on a page of a book, it is fair to assume that the book might be too difficult for them. This will cause them to get frustrated and lose interest in the book at the drop of a hat. Definitely not something we want for our child. Thus, it is important to get a feel for the level of reading your child is at. You can do this either by reading with your child and observing how he reads or you could even get feedback from the teacher, especially if he is attending specialised classes for dyslexic children.
RELATED: How to detect reading problems in children
Short and sweet
As most children suffering from dyslexia take a long time to read and process the written word, it would be good to start out their reading journey with books that are written in short sentences and have short paragraphs. This will help to maintain your child’s interest in the book as well as to encourage progress, which will help boost your child’s reading confidence.
It’s important to pay attention to the format when choosing dyslexia friendly books for kids. Find out why…
Pay attention to the format
The way the book is spaced and formatted can make a big difference for a dyslexic child. Thus, when you’re out looking for books for your child, pick those that have wide margins, a clear sans serif font and headers, sub-headers and other signposting such as pictures and headers. Books such as this are considered dyslexia friendly books for kids because they help your child process the word on their own terms and not get confused by fancy lettering etc. The headers and pictures also guide your child in not only reading but understanding what they have read.
RELATED: Dyslexia screening at preschool level
We hope these tips have helped you to look out for dyslexia friendly books for kids and help in the learning journey of your child. Check out the video below of a children’s book series that is written in a special Dyslexic friendly font.