Does breastfeeding help your child climb the social ladder?
The perks of breastfeeding
Still unconvinced that breastfeeding brings heaps of benefits? This study may change your mind. And if you envision your child as a learned professor or a doctor, this article may possibly pave the way for his or her bright and promising future. The key word here is “may”.
Why breastfeed?
Doctors have always recommended breastfeeding because breast milk is extremely beneficial for babies. Health risks wise, breast milk contain a large amount of antibodies that will protect your baby from diseases and illnesses.
Apart from these benefits, breastfeeding is worthwhile for mothers since the breastfeeding process allows mothers to save costs and bond with their newborn infants. Breastfeeding is also proven to be beneficial for the mother’s health, preventing diseases as well as post-partum depression.
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Climb the social ladder with breastfeeding
Moreover, a recent study revealed that breastfeeding not only lowers the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and boost your child with awesome antibodies, but it also may potentially be advantageous for their intellectual capabilities as well.
According to CBS News, a study published in “BMJ journal Archives of Disease in Childhood”, claimed that breastfeeding may help children climb the social ladder.

The research
This hypothesis was based on the findings of 17,419 children born in 1958 and 16,771 born in 1970. Researchers compared children who were breastfed for less than four weeks and those who were breastfed for more than four weeks.
At the age of 10 or 11, these children’s cognitive abilities and stress scores were evaluated. At the age of 33 or 34, their respective social classes were assessed. Social class was measured by a four-point scale—unskilled/semi-skilled manual to professional/managerial.
RELATED: Can breast milk reduce the risk of SIDS?
Taking into consideration other factors that affected the results, researchers claimed that infants who received breast milk were more likely to climb the social ladder than those who were not breastfed.
Moreover, breastfeeding increased the likelihood of a higher social status by 24 per cent and reduced the likelihood or downward movement by 20 per cent. Breastfeeding also increased intellect and low stress levels by 36 per cent. And was thus proven to promote children to climb the social ladder.
The study was shown to be fairly accurate since the results were consistent. But it still remains questionable if children could climb the social ladder because of breast milk. Or, was it the skin-to-skin contact and bonding with the mother that affected the child’s future social status. The most plausible explanation is the contents of the breast milk, but who knows for certain…
Other benefits of breastfeeding
Amanda Sacker, a researcher at University College London, told HealthDay, “Breastfeeding has lifelong benefits.” Breast milk is very beneficial not only for the baby but the mother as well. Here are some reasons why:
- Antibodies. Breast milk contains antibodies that will be transferred to the baby, and hence will provide the baby with protection.
- Prevent infections and diseases. Antibodies help to fight infectious viruses that will lead to ear infections, allergies, diarrhea and respiratory infections.
- Lower chances of Type-2 diabetes, asthma and entercolitis.
- Prevents SIDS.
- Lowers the risk of Type 2 diabetes, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, osteoporosis and postpartum depression for mothers.
What is your take on this particular study? Tell us. We’d love to hear from you! For more on why mothers benefit from breastfeeding, watch this video: