For many students and their parents all over Singapore, the 11 January 2016 will be a particularly important day. It could very well determine the course their life will take. The kind of school they will enter, the people they will meet, the future careers they will embark on. For many students, it all boils down to this seemingly innocuous day. If you’re wondering why this day is so special, it is because it is the day where the GCE O Levels results will be released.
It’s results time!
Students are advised to collect their results from their respective schools at 2pm. Private candidates will receive their results in the mail. Alternatively they may view their results through the Singapore Examinations and Assessments Board, www.seab.gov.sg from 2 pm onwards on the same day.
Important things to remember
Regardless of whether your children have done well or not, parents must keep in mind that the exam is just a placement test. Poor results do not mean you will fail in life. Likewise, excellent grades do not equate to future success. Your children have probably spent 4 to 5 years preparing for this exam so it may seem like the most important thing in the world right now. However in a few years’ time upon reflection, you will probably view the O level examinations in a very different light.
Choose wisely
There are large differences between the various tertiary educational institutes in Singapore. For most students, it would mean deciding between going to a Polytechnic or a Junior College. Help your child consider every possible factor before deciding whether a JC or polytechnic education suits them better. Most importantly, do not ruin your relationship with your child over a placement exam.
Check out the different options your child can take post O Level results!
After O Level results, a traditional option will be the JC route.
Students fresh out of secondary school going through JC orientation.
Junior College
For those leaning towards the Junior College route, remember that the ultimate goal of a Junior College education is generally to enter University. So your child has to be prepared to slog it out for 2 years as the GCE A Level examinations are definitely not a piece of cake. There will be loads of theories to remember so your child will have to be academically inclined to excel. Time management will be essential as they will most likely have to juggle between their academic workload and co-curricular commitments. But taking the JC route doesn’t mean its all work and no play. There will be a whole host of exciting activities. There are also significant differences between each Junior College in terms of the school culture. With careful research, a JC life can be the best 2 years of your child’s life.
For those leaning towards a polytechnic education, it is definitely not going to be a smooth ride as well. Polytechnic students will likely be swamped with projects and presentations for the next 3 years. However, your child will be given a dynamic education and will benefit her greatly for the working world. There are numerous courses on offer so make sure a suitable course is chosen. The ultimate goal of going to a polytechnic is generally to earn a diploma. Visit the open houses to find out more about the school and to seek some good advice.
Other than the obvious JC and Polytechnic routes, there are many other options for your child based on her interests. These days there are various institutions that are established in its niches. Say the Arts, sports, theatre, culinary etc. Take time to listen to what your child wants to do with her life and give her the best support you can. Knowing you’ve got her back can greatly encourage her to pursue her ambitions with a positive mind.
All of us here at theAsianparent.com wish you the best of luck!
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