The haze is back.
And it shows no signs of improving. In fact according to the NEA, “the haze situation could further deteriorate should the current unfavourable winds blow in the denser haze from Sumatra”.
Many of us are struggling with the ill-effects of the haze such as burning and itchy eyes, sore throats and flaring up of asthma. We all are trying to cope through TCM, by using air purifiers and donning face masks.
Also, many of us and our children are being forced to spend an increased amount of time indoors. But did you know that the air inside our homes can be full of pollutants as well?
So mums here is an easy and effective way that you can make sure that the air inside your home is free from toxins — by getting the right indoor plants.
In the late 1980s, NASA and the Associated Landscape Contractors of America studied houseplants as a way to purify the air in space facilities. As part of this research, they found several plants (many of which are tropical) filter out common volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
The good news is that these plants work equally well inside our homes. We share with you six plants that you can easily find in Singapore.
#1 Spider plant

Hardy and resilient, the spider plant filters out benzene, formaldehyde and carbon monoxide. It is also safe for pets.
#2 Snake plant

Also known as mother-in-law’s tongue, this plant is super effective in filtering out air pollutants such as formaldehyde. It also works at night, converting CO2 into oxygen, making it safe to keep in your bedroom as well.
#3 Dracaena Warneckii

The Warneckii grows well inside the home, even without direct sunlight.
#4 Areca Palm

Besides adding a lovely dash of green inside your home, the Areca Palm is one of the best plants for removing indoor toxins.
#5 Rubber Plant

An extremely striking green feature in any home, the rubber plant with its glossy leaves is excellent at filtering out formaldehyde from the air in your home.
#6 Boston Fern

Easy to take care of, the Boston fern is regarded as an excellent indoor plant because of its ability to remove toxins from the air.
Get some of these plants in today. Not only will they help you beat the haze, but they will continue to reduce the toxins in the air at your home and let you breathe easier.
What are you using to beat the haze? Share with other readers in the comments section below.