When your baby bangs his head, it’s not always a sign of distress. You might be wondering if it’s normal for them to bang their heads or cry out in pain. If so, you might need to take a look at this article. We’ll explore what causes excessive wear and if there’s anything we can do about it!
What to Do if Your Baby is Banging Their Head?
If you’ve ever had a baby, they sometimes like to bang their head. So what can you do when they’re doing it?
If your baby is banging their head, the first thing to do is try to figure out why they’re doing it. It can be frustrating, especially if you don’t know why they’re doing it. Are they angry? Frustrated? Are they trying to get your attention?
Once you’ve determined the reasons behind the head-banging, start addressing the issue. If your baby is banging their head out of anger or frustration, you might try to provide them with more outlets for their emotions. They need more time to explore and play or help to learn how to express themselves in words.
If they’re trying to get your attention, you might need to be more responsive to their needs. Whatever the reason, once you’ve figured it out, you can begin to take steps to address it.
This could include adding more toys that encourage physical activity. For example, balls or jump ropes.
If your baby is in pain, you’ll want to talk to their doctor to rule out any underlying medical conditions. Once you’ve ruled out any medical causes, you can try to soothe your baby with gentle rocked or by presence.
Head-banging can be difficult to deal with. But with patience and understanding, you can help your baby find other ways to express themselves.

Why Babies Might Start Banging Their Heads?
If you’ve seen a baby banging its head, you might have wondered what they’re thinking. After all, it doesn’t seem like an enjoyable experience. There are a few possible explanations for why babies might start banging their heads.
To Relieve Pain
Many parents have experienced the frustration of a baby who won’t stop crying. And while there are many possible reasons for this behaviour, one common cause is pain. When a baby is in pain, they may cry and try to relieve the discomfort by banging their head.
While this may seem like a strange solution, it makes sense when you consider how babies develop. During the early months of life, babies develop the ability to control their body movements.
By banging their head, they are trying to gain control over their environment. It relieves the pain they are feeling. While this behaviour can be frustrating for parents, it is important to remember that it is a normal response to pain and not a sign of mischief or bad behaviour. With a little patience and understanding, most babies will eventually outgrow this phase.
To Explore Their Body and the Environment
Babies bang their heads for all sorts of reasons. This includes trying to figure out how their bodies work. Or it could be testing the limits of their environment. In most cases, there is no cause for concern and no need to intervene. But, if your baby seems to be banging their head too much and too often, or if they are injuring themselves, it might be a good idea to talk to your doctor.
To Self-soothe
Head-banging is often a way for babies to soothe themselves. And it usually starts around six months of age. Babies will repeatedly bang their heads against soft surfaces like pillows or blankets.
Some may even bang their heads against hard surfaces like furniture or the floor. This behaviour usually peaks around 10 to 12 months of age and then declines. If your baby is head-banging, try to provide them with soft, safe surfaces to do it on.
Most babies will outgrow this phase on their own. But if you’re worried, talk to your paediatrician.
To Get Attention
A lot of babies will bang their heads on purpose. It sounds like they’re hurting themselves, but they’re trying to get attention. If you think about it, it makes sense. Babies are helpless creatures who need their parents to take care of them.
They can’t walk or talk, so they can only get what they want by crying or banging their heads. Of course, you don’t want your baby to hurt themselves. So, it’s important to figure out what they’re trying to communicate.
If they’re always banging their head when hungry, try giving them some food. If they’re tired, try putting them down for a nap. As time pass, they’ll learn that there are other ways to get your attention besides banging their head.
Baby Banging Head While Nursing
Image Source: iStock
It is hard to nurse a baby who doesn’t want to nurse but bangs their head instead. There are a few possible reasons for this behaviour.
First, some babies become overstimulated while nursing. And they need to release excess energy by banging their heads.
Second, babies love routine and structure. They usually do it in an unfamiliar environment. Finally, some babies may be teething and find relief by chewing on their heads.
If your baby is banging their head while nursing, try to offer them a pacifier or toy to chew on instead. You can also try swaddling them or rocking them before beginning the feeding. It’s important to remain calm and patient – as time pass, they’ll outgrow this phase.
How to Stop Your Baby From Banging Their Head?
The first step in stopping your baby from banging their head is to ensure they are not suffering from any existing medical conditions. If they are, then you should contact a healthcare professional.
It is not uncommon for babies to bang their heads on the floor or other objects. But if it happens always or with great force, you may have cause for concern. But, as long as your child is healthy and growing well, there’s no reason to worry about this behaviour.
If you do want to stop your baby from banging their head, there are several things that you can do:
Cut distractions in the room where your baby spends most of his time (for example, by closing doors). This will give him fewer opportunities to bang his head. This is especially when he feels frustrated or wants attention.
Place toys near him, so he has something else to focus on besides hitting himself with his fists or feet. You can also try distracting him with new sounds or toys when he starts banging his head. So that he doesn’t get too excited by what he’s doing. This also stops him from doing it over and over again until someone stops him (which could lead to injury).
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When to Worry About Your Baby’s Head Banging?
You might be wondering, “When should I worry about my baby’s head banging?”
The answer is: when it’s more than a phase. Head banging can be a normal part of baby development for many babies. Still, head banging in excess or if your baby has other symptoms. For example, irritability, fatigue, and poor appetite could signify something more serious.
Talk to your child’s paediatrician about your baby’s head banging if it seems excessive. If they seem irritable or tired all the time, or if they stop eating well, let them know right away.
Your paediatrician will likely suggest some tests. It’s to see if there might be an underlying cause for these symptoms. And that’s how you’ll know whether you need to worry about your baby’s head banging.
Image source: iStock
When to Seek Medical Help for a Baby Who Bangs its Head?
If you have a baby who bangs their head, it’s important to seek medical help.
You should talk to your doctor if your baby is younger than six months old and banging its head on a hard surface. Or if you have an older child who always bangs their head.
Head injuries in babies can cause severe damage. This includes bleeding in the brain and permanent brain injury. Some conditions can cause babies to bang their heads more often than usual. These conditions are developmental delays, autism spectrum disorders, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
If you’re concerned about your baby’s head-banging behaviour, talk with a doctor right away!
It can be alarming when you first see your baby banging its head. Remember that this is developmentally normal behaviour. It’s important to stay calm and reassure your child that you are there for them. And again, talk to your paediatrician about any concerns you have. If you understand why babies bang their heads, you can help your baby not get hurt.
Here at theAsianparent Singapore, it’s important for us to give information that is correct, significant, and timely. But this doesn’t serve as an alternative for medical advice or medical treatment. theAsianparent Singapore is not responsible for those that would choose to drink medicines based on information from our website. If you have any doubts, we recommend consulting your doctor for clearer information.