A lot of paediatricians would agree that rashes and skin conditions are one of the most common concerns of parents during their baby’s check-up. Many types of skin conditions in babies aren’t indicative of any serious conditions. If your baby’s rash isn’t accompanied by other symptoms, then it would be best to simply observe it for a day or two. But if a rash appears along with alarming symptoms, such as high fever and difficulty in breathing, then that’s when you should be concerned.
Remember: It’s also best to bring your child to the doctor instead of describing it on the phone or sending photos of it online, as the doctor can best diagnose it up close. Questions you should be prepared to answer are: How long has the rash been there? How widespread is it? Is it itchy?
Let’s take a closer look at the various types of skin irritations to watch out for and how they’re treated.
Baby Acne
Image source: iStock
This skin condition, which appears as tiny red or white bumps on your baby’s face, is usually seen in infants 2 to 4 weeks after birth. It usually clears up at around 3 to 4 months. There’s no exact cause for this. It’s important not to buy acne clearing products for babies without the advice from your paediatrician.
To treat acne, wash your baby’s face with a gentle soap daily. Remember not to scrub too hard, especially on affected areas. Don’t use lotion as it tends to make skin more oily. Consult your baby’s pediatrician if the problem persists.
Have you ever spotted acne-like white bumps on your newborn’s cheeks, nose, or chin? This is most likely milia, which are skin bumps caused by dead skin clogging the skin surface. Just like acne, milia doesn’t need to be treated and usually resolves on its own.
To treat milia, use a gentle soap when washing your baby’s face, avoiding hard scrubbing or using lotions.
This skin condition appears as red rashes, which can be itchy and painful. Eczema is often observed on a baby’s forehead, scalp, or cheeks and is commonly seen in babies under 6 months old. Eczema can persist even after your baby turns a year old, spreading to the knees, elbows, and skin creases, but can still clear up on its own.
This condition worsens due to accidental contact with an allergen or irritant, as well as saliva.
Though there is no known cure for it, you can manage your baby’s symptoms by bathing them using a gentle soap for only 5 to 10 minutes and applying moisturizer (thick cream or ointment) twice a day. Ask your child’s pedia for the best ointment for your baby. To avoid exacerbating eczema, use unscented laundry detergent when washing your baby’s clothes.
Cradle Cap
This condition, commonly seen in babies aged two to three months, results in crusty, scaly, yellowish skin patches with surrounding redness. These patches can also be found on a baby’s ears, armpits, or neck.
It usually disappears after a few weeks even without treatment and it isn’t really a cause for concern.
To control its symptoms, wash your baby’s hair and scalp using a mild shampoo. Don’t wash your baby’s hair too often as it dries out the scalp. Use a soft hair bush and baby oil to make brushing easier.

Heat Rash
This occurs when sweat is locked into the skin by blocked pores because of hot or humid weather. In cases of heat rash, red fluid-filled blisters sprout up on the chest, armpits, shoulders, neck, or groin.
If it doesn’t go away within a few days or appears to be infected, bring your child to her pedia ASAP.
To avoid this, choose loose, cotton clothing for your baby during hot months. Similarly, diaper rash, which is caused by long term dampness and contact with faeces and urine, can be avoided by frequent diaper changing and gentle powder.
Mongolian Spots
This birthmark, which are bluish gray in color, normally appears after birth in the butt, shoulder, or lower back of a baby. They’re most common in babies of African, Middle Eastern, Mediterranean or Asian descent. Rest assured that they’re harmless and do not require treatment.
Remember to consult your baby’s doctor when these conditions persist despite home interventions. To help avoid irritation your baby’s skin, make it a habit to trim her nails often to keep them short and dressing her hands with soft gloves in the evening.
*Republished with permission from theAsianparent Philippines
sources: Healthline, Parents.com, MedlinePlus.com
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