Dr. Frans Plooij is a leading expert in the field of infant mental development and the celebrated author of the worldwide bestselling infant development book – The Wonder Weeks. Aimed at preserving every parent’s sanity, his book has helped many parents across the world understand what is really going on inside their baby’s head in the first two years of life, while giving them insights on what babies actually need at each stage of their development.

Worldwide experts on infant developmental and authors of The Wonder Weeks have found the key to unlocking the reasons babies are fussy at set times during ten leaps, or ‘wonder weeks’ before the age of two.
In this Ask The Expert Live session with Dr Frans Plooij, he will be answering your questions about infant growth spurts and these mental leaps that your baby goes through!
Got a question? Ask Dr Frans Plooij by clicking here!
About Dr. Frans Plooij and The Wonder Weeks:
For the past 35 years, his team have studied the development of babies and the way mothers and other caregivers respond to their changes. Research was done in homes, where they observed the daily activities of mothers and children.
From the research, they are now able to predict, almost to the week, when parents can expect their babies to go through one of these “fussy phases.” During these periods, a baby cries for a good reason. She is suddenly undergoing drastic changes in her development, which are upsetting to her.
These changes enable the baby to learn many new skills and should therefore be a reason for celebration. After all, it’s a sign that she is making wonderful progress. But as far as the baby is concerned, these changes are bewildering.
To find out more on these wonder weeks, tune in on Monday 13 June, 2pm!
Dr Frans Plooij will be giving away three of The Wonder Weeks book to three random theAsianparent Community users who click on the “I’m Interested” button in here ; as well as share the Facebook post! Comment ‘done’ on the post, once shared!