Safe and Recommended Drinks for Breastfeeding Mums

It is essential for breastfeeding mothers to be mindful of their fluid intake and choose drinks that help with their milk production.

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Breastfeeding is a vital part of motherhood, offering countless benefits to both the baby and the mother alike. However, adjusting to a new routine and caring for a newborn can often leave mothers feeling exhausted and in need of additional energy and nourishment.

Drinking the right fluids can have a significant impact on a nursing mother's health and well-being.

Thus, it's essential for breastfeeding mothers to be mindful of their fluid intake and choose drinks that are beneficial for their health and milk production.

In this blog post, we will explore the best drinks for breastfeeding mums and delve into their nutritional benefits.

From water and herbal teas to lactation-boosting smoothies and specific nutrient-rich concoctions, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on the drinks that can benefit breastfeeding mothers the most.

We will also share tips for staying hydrated and maintaining good milk production while breastfeeding.

Whether you're a new or experienced mother, taking care of your health and well-being during the breastfeeding journey is crucial.


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1. Importance of hydration during breastfeeding

Proper hydration is essential for breastfeeding mothers as it helps to maintain an adequate milk supply and support overall health.

During breastfeeding, a mother's body requires additional fluids to produce milk and compensate for fluid loss.

Drinking enough water can also help prevent dehydration, which can cause fatigue, headaches, and other health concerns.

Inadequate hydration has been linked to decreased milk production, so it is crucial for nursing mothers to drink enough fluids to support milk production and maintain their health.

While dietary recommendations for breastfeeding mothers vary, experts often recommend drinking at least 8-10 cups of water per day, along with additional fluids from other sources such as milk, juice, or soup.

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Proper hydration, combined with a balanced diet and rest, is essential for breastfeeding mothers to maintain their own health and provide the best possible nutrition for their babies.


2. Water - the best drink for breastfeeding mums

Water is an essential drink for all breastfeeding mothers.

Breastfeeding mums require a lot more fluids to keep hydrated and produce milk for their babies.

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Drinking enough water is essential to maintain breast milk production, which in turn helps to provide the necessary nutrients to the baby.

It is recommended that breastfeeding mothers drink at least 8-10 glasses of water every day.

Water helps to flush out toxins from the body, prevents dehydration, and keeps the body well-hydrated, which is especially important in hot weather or when engaging in physical activity.

It is important for breastfeeding moms to make water their go-to drink of choice and limit their caffeine and alcohol consumption as it can pass through breast milk to their babies.

Drinking enough water is one easy way to ensure that both mom and baby are healthy and hydrated.


3. Milk - an excellent source of nutrients for both mother and baby

Breastfeeding mothers require additional nutrients to maintain both their health and that of their baby.

Milk is one of the best options for breastfeeding mums since it provides plenty of nutrients for both mother and baby. It is an excellent source of calcium, which is crucial for the development of a healthy baby.

Also, milk contains vitamins A and D that help to prevent vitamin deficiencies in both mothers and their babies.

Drinking milk regularly has also been linked to improved bone health, which is essential for both mothers and infants.

Additionally, milk can help to prevent dehydration, especially during breastfeeding when mums are prone to feeling thirsty.

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Therefore, milk is a highly recommended beverage for breastfeeding mums due to its rich nutrient profile and numerous health benefits.


4. Herbal teas - benefits and precautions

Herbal teas have been used for centuries to promote health and wellness, and for breastfeeding mothers, they offer a range of benefits.

Herbal teas are made by steeping various herbs in hot water, and they can be a wonderful option for breastfeeding mums seeking a natural way to boost their milk supply, improve their digestion, and calm their minds.

Some of the most popular herbal teas for breastfeeding moms include fenugreek tea, fennel tea, and ginger tea.

However, it is important to exercise caution when drinking herbal teas, as some herbs can be harmful to both mother and baby.

Furthermore, it is best to consult with a healthcare provider before incorporating any new teas or supplements into your diet, as they may interact with other medications or health conditions.


5. Fresh fruit and vegetable juices - tasty and nutritious

Fresh fruit and vegetable juices are a great addition to the diet of breastfeeding mums.

They are not just tasty but also provide essential nutrients that can boost the health of both mum and baby.

Juicing is a great way to incorporate a variety of fruits and vegetables into one's diet without having to eat them individually.

Some popular fruits and vegetables for juicing include spinach, kale, oranges, apples, carrots, and beets.

These juices are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can help with the production of breast milk and keep both mum and baby healthy.

It's important to note, however, that juices should not replace whole fruits and vegetables in a balanced diet.

Additionally, breastfeeding mums should also ensure that they are consuming enough calories and drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated.


6. Coconut water - natural electrolytes and hydration

Coconut water is an excellent choice of beverage for breastfeeding moms due to its natural electrolyte and hydration properties.

It contains high levels of potassium and magnesium, two essential electrolytes that help to maintain healthy blood pressure and muscle function.

Furthermore, it is rich in antioxidants and contains cytokinins, which have anti-ageing effects on cells and tissues.

These properties make coconut water particularly useful for new moms who may be experiencing postpartum fatigue or dehydration.

Coconut water can be enjoyed on its own or blended with other fruits to create delicious and refreshing smoothies.

It is important to note that while coconut water is a healthy option, it should not be used as a replacement for breast milk or formula.

Breastfeeding moms should continue to prioritize breastfeeding or formula-feeding their babies as their primary source of nutrition.


7. Avoiding caffeine and alcohol while breastfeeding

As a new mum, it's essential to pay attention to what you consume while breastfeeding, as it can affect your baby's health.

Caffeine and alcohol are two drinks that are often debated when it comes to breastfeeding.

Studies have shown that caffeine in moderation is unlikely to harm a nursing baby.

However, high caffeine intake could cause a baby to be fussy or unable to sleep.

On the other hand, alcohol can be harmful to a baby's development and overall health, even in small amounts.

As a result, experts recommend that breastfeeding mothers avoid alcohol or limit their intake to one drink per week.

It's essential to remember that alcohol takes time to leave your system, so it's best to wait several hours after drinking before breastfeeding.

When it comes to caffeine, it's recommended that breastfeeding mums limit their intake to no more than 300 milligrams per day. This would mean no more than two cups of coffee or four cups of black tea per day.


8. Consultation with a healthcare professional before consuming any new drink

When it comes to choosing what to drink while breastfeeding, it's important to consider the potential impact on both the mother's and baby's health.

Some drinks, such as caffeine or alcohol, can pass through breastmilk and affect the baby's behaviour or health.

As such, it is highly recommended that breastfeeding mothers consult with a healthcare professional before consuming any new drink.

This will help ensure that any potential risks or concerns can be addressed beforehand and that the mother and baby's health can be safeguarded.

While some drinks may be marketed as "safe" for breastfeeding mothers, it is important not to rely solely on marketing claims and instead seek guidance from a professional who is knowledgeable about lactation and infant health.

By taking the time to consult with a healthcare professional, breastfeeding mothers can make informed choices about what they consume and feel confident that they're doing what's best for themselves and their babies.

In conclusion, breastfeeding mums need to stay hydrated and nourished in order to maintain their milk supply and keep both themselves and their babies healthy.

The right drink choices can make all the difference in achieving this goal.

From water to herbal teas to lactation-specific beverages, there are plenty of options available to breastfeeding mums.

So, whether you choose to sip on water with lemon or indulge in a lactation smoothie, make sure you are taking care of yourself and your little one through this special bonding experience.


Also read: 5 Best Hands Free Breast Pump Brands in Singapore

Written by

Patricia Wang