Thinking about adding some colour to your home with some Asian indoor plants? Have kids and unsure of what’s safe and what’s not? Do not worry, we’ve summarised a list with 13 Asian indoor plants that are considered safe and suitable for children and your furbabies.
Be worry free with these 13 Asian indoor plants
1. Money Tree (Pachira Aquatica)
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The money tree, also known as the money plant, is a popular indoor plant because they are known to be the bringer of good luck and prosperity. But aside from what it is commonly known for, it also works wonders when it comes to reducing toxins such as formaldehyde from the air.
So anyone with asthma, lung issues, and is living in the city where the air isn’t so great, should get one at home for purifying purposes. Don’t worry, these Asian indoor plants are harmless.
2. Areca Palm (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens)
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Some palms are considered toxic to your furbabies at home but one of the safer few include the Areca palm. With the increase in development, our air quality isn’t as great as it used to be.
Aside from adding to the aesthetics of the room, these Asian indoor plants help to absorb harmful gases and is a great way to reduce the indoor pollution. Plus point? The Areca palm is pretty low maintenance.
3. Spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum)
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Safe and sprouting with dozens of shoots, the spider plant really looks like a little mini waterfall overflowing in a pot. Considered to be one of the most adaptable of houseplants and the easiest to grow, it adds flair yet healing to any room.
However, because the leaves on this plant tend to dangle, it would be better to hang them up high. The plant is actually harmless, but the leaves might entice your cat to play with it which could end in a CAT-tastrophe.
4. Boston fern (Nephrolepis exaltata)
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Boston ferns are said to act as humidifiers and can help to restore moisture in the air. Not only are these Asian indoor plants aesthetically pleasing to the eye, they are also perfect for those who suffer from dry skin and or are in air-conditioning all day.
5. Inch plant/Wandering Jew (Tradescantia zebrina)
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Formerly known as Zebrina pendula and commonly known as inch plant or wandering jew, these indoor Asian indoor plants are a species of spiderwort.
It is non-toxic and the contrast between the green and deep red-purple gives this plant a lush look. They look great in the house no matter where you put them, and cats are known to love their soft, curling leaves!
6. Wax plant (Hoya carnosa)
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This sturdy, low maintenance plant is great for anyone who has just recently painted their homes. Why? Because of its ability to absorb all the toxins, as well as chemicals found in gasoline or smog.
Although these Asian indoor plants varieties are not toxic to cats and dogs they can still cause the animals to get sick if ingested. The digestive tract of cats and dogs are unable to break down the leaf.
So if you have furbabies that are serial plant chewers, you might want to hang your hoya plants out of reach.
7. African Violet (Saintpaulia ionatha)
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African Violets are at the top of nearly every list of edible flowers and should be relatively safe unless they have an allergic reaction towards to them.
Cleaner air, helps asthmatics breathe easier and not forgetting adding a pop of colour. What’s not to love about the African violet? These Asian indoor plants make great housewarming gifts too!
8. Moth orchids (Phalaenopsis Blume)
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Caring for orchids might require you to have quite a fair bit of gardening skills, but the payoff is great when they finally bloom.
They make such a pretty addition to your home and are known rid the air of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). As a result, you end up with fresher air free of xylene, a common pollutant in the paint, air fresheners, ink, and adhesives.
9. Cast iron plant (Aspidistra elatior)
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The reason why this plant has such a weird name because of its ability to withstand neglect no matter the condition. So even if you have a non-existent green thumb, these Asian indoor plants might still survive.
A native plant to Japan and Taiwan, the cast iron plant is known to increase the humidity by 5 to 10%. This is great if the air in your room is extremely dry. Don’t worry if any of your pets choose to nibble on them, they are harmless.
10. Bamboo (Bambuseae)
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Having bamboo at home might seem excessive considering how big and fast they grow. But there are potted versions that only grow as large as their container so that you can have them at home without worrying about overgrowth.
The plus point of having bamboo is its efficiency when detoxifying the air in your apartment or home. It releases up to 35 per cent more oxygen than regular trees making sure you have clean and fresh air always.
11. Zebra plant (Haworthia succulents)
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Another safe option is the zebra plant. Zebra plants are very hardy and don’t require you to have a green thumb.
Succulents and cacti are good choices because some of them continue to release oxygen throughout the night. Adding succulents and cacti to your home can help keep your air fresh while also removing some of the toxins from the environment.
12. Jade plant (Crassula ovata)
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The jade plant is another low-maintenance succulent with delicate pink or white flowers when it blooms. Aside from cleaning the air, it is also used as a home remedy for treating warts, nausea, corns, and diarrhoea.
Feng Shui enthusiasts even claim it provides positive mental health benefits by nourishing the chi.
This evergreen succulent has thick, meaty, beautiful glossy leaves which makes it pleasant as a year-round houseplant. If you are a bonsai enthusiast, you can consider growing the jade plant.
13. Prayer plant (Maranta leuconeura)
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This indoor air purifying plant comes from South America. It has unique distinctive rows of brown to dark-green lines crossing its leaf midribs.
But what makes this plant super special above all the other Asian indoor plants is another trait. The leaves folds upwards giving the plant an appearance of praying every time dusk approaches.
Aside from being a beautiful addition to the house, it also makes an interesting conversation piece when you have guests over.
Which of these Asian indoor plants are you most looking forward to having in your home to make it fresher and more beautiful?
Read also: 7 Asian herbs you can grow at home
This article first appeared on It is edited and published with permission for theAsianaprent.