An 11-year-old boy from the UK had 2 of his fingers ripped off after they got caught on a spiked fence that he was climbing.
“Where’s your fingers?”
Tommie Randall was watching his stepdad practice for a race when he became interested in watching a motocross race on the other side of a spiked fence.
He shares, “I wanted to go and watch. Normally there’s a hole in the fence, but this time it wasn’t there. I was that desperate to see the motocross that I climbed the fence. I got over, but I slipped as I was coming down the other side. I tried to grab the fence, but there were spikes.”
His mother added, “Tommie didn’t realise that he had lost his fingers, he wasn’t aware of a lot of pain to start with. He called for me but we were on opposite sides of the fence and we had to wait for half an hour for someone who had keys for the gate to come so that I could get to him. When I saw his hand, I said ‘where’s your fingers?”
Eventually, Tommie’s mom found his little finger by the fence, while a stranger found his ring finger close by. He had lost a pint of blood by the time they got to a hospital, and he then underwent a 9-hour operation to reattach both of his severed digits.
Thankfully, doctors were able to attach both of his fingers after the extensive operation. His doctor adds, “Tommie’s two fingers were pulled off, which makes it much more difficult than a clean-cut amputation.”
Go to the next page to learn more about keeping active children safe.
All kids reach that stage wherein they just love to climb. While it’s good to let your kid explore his or her environment, it’s also important to make sure that they’re safe while doing it.
Here are some helpful tips to keep your active kid safe:
- Make sure they can’t reach the windows. At home, windows can be very dangerous, especially for kids that love to climb. Keep beds and chairs away from windows and make sure that your child won’t be able to reach up and climb the windows in your home.
- Use gates so that they don’t fall down stairs. If your home has stairs, make sure to place gates so that your kid doesn’t accidentally fall down. It also works for when your kid is downstairs as having a gate would prevent them from climbing up.
- Make sure that the furniture in your home is sturdy. Kids just love to explore, that’s why sometimes you can’t really prevent them from climbing up furniture. That’s why it’s important to have sturdy furniture that won’t just topple over in case your child tries to climb it.
- Always keep an eye on your child, especially when playing outdoors. Always keep an eye on your child at all times, especially if you’re outdoors. There are a lot of dangerous places that your children might run off to, and a split second is all it takes for you to lose track of your child.
- Know basic first aid and who to call should anything happen. Lastly, in the event that something bad happens to your child, you should know basic first aid so that you can address the injury as soon as possible. It’s also important to know the number for emergency services so that they can immediately help you. If your child falls from a high place, always take them to the doctor since you never know if they might have any internal injuries.
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