Zodiac Monthly Forecast: 5th Apr – 4th May 2022

This month is fraught with challenges despite seeming calm on the surface. Find out more about this month's fengshui for different zodiac.

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This month is fraught with challenges despite seeming calm on the surface.  Rising tensions between Europe and Russia will cause uncertainty, and natural disasters in the Arctic region will cause concern about the climate and environment. Every nation should face these issues bravely and overcome them together, with China and the United States working together to lead global efforts. 

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You should accompany your family to pay respect to your ancestors during the Qing Ming Festival. For business people, you can look forward to a breakthrough as long as you work hard. Focus on sales and operations. Invest cautiously and consider your options before making any decisions to prevent losses.



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Unexpected news threatens to overwhelm you. Rather than worrying, consider confiding in your loved ones and friends. Pay attention when crossing the road and do not be distracted by your phone. Keep your family informed of your whereabouts whenever you head out to ensure peace of mind.



This is a relatively stable month. The key lies in staying positive, and you can do so by spending more time with positive people. Don’t act on impulse due to criticisms from your friends. Otherwise, your friendship will be affected with dire consequences.

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You shall achieve good results as long as you put in effort in your studies. You will meet mentors and helpful friends who encourage and guide you, which can greatly improve your results. While enjoying favourable wealth luck, stay thrifty and save for rainy days.


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Constant challenges at work without progress will cause you to be pessimistic. However, worrying constantly will only make you feel worse. Try listening to some light-hearted music to relax when you feel frustrated and lost, and you may find yourself feeling less stressed.

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You can pay respect to your ancestors during this Qing Ming Festival. Rest more and have a nutritious diet to improve your immunity after recovering from recent illnesses. Married couples should learn to be more tolerant towards your spouse and avoid exchanging hurtful words.



Friends whom you have not contacted in a long time may try to borrow money from you. You should find out more before agreeing to the request, or decline tactfully if it is beyond your means. Be careful of slippery roads during this rainy season and pay extra attention while driving and walking.


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Your professionalism and good service will impress your customers, and they will refer more customers to you. This month, you may easily catch a cold or fall ill. Keep your room clean and well-ventilated. You should also eat healthily and exercise regularly to boost your immunity.



You are likely to be promoted and get a salary increment this year, as your superior recognises your capabilities. If other companies are interested in recruiting you, you may also consider changing your career path. A new environment can be positive for your career development.



With romance luck flourishing this month, singles can consider joining more club activities to make more friends and possibly find their prospective partner. Businesspeople can consider attending more business meetings for collaborative opportunities, which can help to grow your business.



During the Qing Ming Festival, you should pay respect to your ancestors and take the chance to initiate conversations with your elders. Be mindful of your words and show humility when representing your company in events. You should go for a medical checkup if you are feeling unwell.

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Consider seeking help from your colleagues if you encounter a difficult problem at work. You should mind your own business and refrain from gossiping about others in the workplace to avoid unnecessary trouble.


Did you know that the Zodiac sign we often associate ourselves with is that of your Year Pillar? In fact, every individual has different Zodiac signs representing the Month, Day and Hour Pillar. Find your other three Zodiac signs by calculating your bazi with our bazi calculator here.

Want to find out more about your Zodiac combination from Master Mark? Register here now to understand yourself better, gain clarity and better life direction.

This article was first published on WayFengShui Group and republished on theAsianparent with permission.


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