Your child's horoscope (Part 2)

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Loving your child is the easy part; understanding him is something else altogether! The first step is to look at his horoscopes.

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Loving your child is the easy part; understanding him is something else altogether! The first step is to look at his horoscope.


The Leo Child

July 23 – August 22

Leo children are sunny, friendly personalities who love to be the centre of attention. They love parties and seem to have endless energy. Your young Leo will be more often on the move than still and will love playing games and joining in physical activities. A Leo child will be adventurous and can sometimes be reckless. Leos love parties and will be generous with possessions.

You will soon notice that your Leo baby will like to be waited on and Leo children dislike doing menial tasks. Leo girls may go through a tom-boy phase as they are happiest when doing something physical.

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Leos need freedom in which to grow and experiment. Emotionally, they can be turbulent and dramatic.

Leos are most compatible with Gemini and Libra signs.

Famous People Born Under This Horoscope:

Nadya Hutagalung, Model, July 28

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Suppiah Dhanabalan, Politician, August 8

Stephanie Sun, Songwriter, July 23

The Virgo Child


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August 23 – September 22

The Virgo child is an industrious sort, so you can bet that a lot is going to get done when they’re around. This is a child who can make play look like work, and vice versa, so you may not be sure exactly what’s going on! Worry not, though — the Virgo child is surely content with the state of affairs, whether it’s straightening up the bedroom or playing chess.

Scientific and methodical, the Virgo child is likely to be drawn to more involved projects such as plotting stars or planting a vegetable garden. And hey, those plants will flourish, for Virgo is a perfectionist who doesn’t know the word ‘fail’. Along with this quest for excellence comes a penchant for pickiness, so the Virgo child’s best intentions may often be misinterpreted. This child wants to eat those peas, it’s just that they have to be the tastiest peas around! (A nervous stomach may also be part of this child’s makeup.)

Forever tidy, the Virgo child will not only have a neat room of their own, they’ll also straighten up the rest of the house and arrange things as they see fit. Could be worse, right? At the end of the day, though, what the Virgo child wants most are simple things (vanilla ice cream – no nuts and such), orderly surroundings, and the pleasure of a job well done.

Virgos are most compatible with Taurus and Capricorn.

Famous People Born Under This Horoscope:

Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore Minister Mentor, September 16

Mother Teresa, Humanitarian, August 27

Michael Jackson, King of Pop, August 29

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The Libra Child


September 23 – October 22

The Libran child is a delightful and very social little person. He is reasonably easy to care for and seems to have an in built sense of what is socially acceptable. Needs peace and harmony in his surroundings and like his symbol, the scales, he likes to see balance in the world around him.

He likes the company of others and quite often judges himself on what he sees reflected back at him in the eyes of those around him. Librans are generally friendly, open and generous with a ready smile. The hardest lesson for a Libran is learning to make a decision.

Be prepared to give your Libran child artistic surroundings and an education in the arts. Help him to face things as they are and to learn that the reality of things is often different from their appearances. Libra must learn the law of cause and effect, that all life has inter-relationship; this is the lesson of the Balances, as symbolized by the Sign of Libra.

Libras are most compatible with Aries and Leo.

Famous People Born Under This Horoscope:

Mark Lee, Comedian, October 16

Barbara Walters, Journalist, September 25

The Scorpio Child


October 23 – November 21

A real challenge for any parent. Your little Scorpion enjoys a good fight. He will never compromise. With those beautiful, penetrating eyes, he will hypnotise you to get his own way. He has a strong will matched by a strong body and needs to be firmly disciplined. He will only learn from someone that he perceives to be stronger than him. So stand firm and earn his respect, but always do it with love.

Instill in him the qualities of compassion and forgiveness, because Scorpions are famous for their vindictiveness. Raised well, he will turn into a brilliant, magnetic personality. Forthright and direct to a fault, the Scorpion’s sarcasm stings. He has a strong desire for privacy, but usually manages to ferret out your secrets.

He has fantastic instincts and could sense your moods before you know it. Extremely perceptive, he has a sharp, penetrating mind. You must channel his energy in the right direction by keeping him mentally active and physically stimulated.

Your Scorpion knows exactly what he wants and makes sure that he gets it. So guide him towards a worthy cause or goal. Never impose your will. Extremely loyal himself, he expects loyalty in return. Do not even make the mistake of breaking your word to a Scorpio. You will live to regret it.

The Scorpio child is talented in promotion activities, writing, designing, modeling, and acting.

Famous People Born Under This Horoscope:

Pierre Png, Actor, October 29

Tay Ping Hui, Actor, November 10

Vanessa Mae, Musician, October 27

The Sagittarius Child


November 22 – December 21

He is the fun loving child of the zodiac. This child is enthusiastic, optimistic and generally happy. He often loves school and the process of learning. He has a keen appreciation of philosophy and religion at an early age. He definitely has his own idea of what is the truth and love to tell the world. The Sagittarius child will argue when your theory does not match theirs.

Travelling is a must for the Sagittarius child. From an early age until old age he will be traveling to foreign countries and seeing the world. He loves to meet people of different cultures and talk about different beliefs. He easily adapts to different cultures and ways of living. Often seen in libraries and museums, in search of learning something new.

Very generous and friendly, he loves life and people. He is so honest, that he can be tactless. He does not mean to hurt others, he is just telling the truth. The Sagittarian child is not often interested in doing chores or homework because they do not look like something that would be fun.

Sagittarians are talented in art, education, dancing and politics. Many Sagittarians are also business people, specifically lawyers.

Famous People Born Under This Horoscope:

Dato Seri Abdullah Badawi, Malaysia PM, November 26

Ng Eng Hen, Singapore Minister of Manpower, December 10

Brad Pitt, Actor, December 18

The Capricorn Child


December 22 – January 19

The Capricorn kid thrives on routine and order, which gives him the sense of security that he needs. He is usually even-tempered and self-contained. Capricorns can be strong-willed and will get what they want by slowly wearing down parental resistance. The young Capricorn tends to prefer older company and enjoys pretending to be grown-up. Your child will probably prefer to have just one or two close friends rather than being a part of a large group. Capricorns usually love to read and to make things.

Your child will need to be encouraged to spend time outside in the fresh air, since Capricorns are not usually very enthusiastic about sport or the outdoors. Sometimes they are very serious children who need to be encouraged to relax and play. Capricorns have a good sense of humour but cannot bear to be teased.

A Capricorn child will do well in a secure environment with regular routine and reliable, appreciative parents. Young Capricorns can also lose self-confidence easily despite their maturity. They should be taught how to express their very sensitive inner emotions and how to relax.

Capricorns are most compatible with Virgos and Taurus signs.

Famous People Born Under This Horoscope:

Siti Nurhaliza, Singer, January 11

Zoey Tay, Actress, January 10

Teo Chee Hean, Singapore Defence Minister, December 27

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Here are some related articles:

Horoscope – love it, hate it, believe it

Your child’s horoscope (Part 1)

Your child’s zodiac sign and personality

Written by

Roshni Mahtani