Yoga poses for infertility

Try out these simple yoga poses for infertility if you are trying to conceive. Also watch our video for additional yoga poses for infertility.

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Flip through our collection of yoga poses for infertility

Infertile and confused what to do about it? You’re not alone. According to the World Health Organisation, about 15 per cent of couples seek medical help for fertility issues.

But in addition to traditional and innovative medical intervention, some people are seeking out the health-enhancing benefits of yoga to help with conception. A Harvard based study found that women who were trying for a baby were three times more likely to conceive if they took fertility focused yoga courses than those who did not.

Fertility focused yoga poses (asana’s) are suggested to reduce stress and effect the entire endocrine system in what is believed to be a beneficial way. They are also believed to cause an increase in energy in the pelvis (apana).

Check out the following pages to view yoga poses for infertility…

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Yoga pose for infertility #1: Child’s Pose

Balasana or Child’s Pose

Before beginning any type of pose, knowing the Child’s Pose is essential. This pose allows the body to release tension and to seek balance.

First, kneel down and sit on your heels with your arms at your sides. Inhale and then exhale. Upon exhaling, bend forward, allowing your chest to rest on your thighs.

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Then slide your arms back along your body and place our forehead on the floor. Next, focus on your breathing. Stay in this pose for a minute or so, until you feel the tension released.

Yoga pose for infertility #2: Bridge Pose

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana or Bridge Pose

Another pose that stimulates the hormones is the Bridge Pose. Lie on the floor and bend your knees. Setting your feet on the floor, make sure your heels are as near the sitting bones as possible.

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Exhale and press your inner feet and arms into the floor. At the same time, push your tailbone upwards, towards the pubis, firming the buttocks and lift your buttocks off the floor.

Clasp your hands below the pelvis and extend them through your arms to enable you to remain on the tops of your shoulders.

The buttocks are lifted until the floor and your thighs are parallel. Keep your knees directly over the heels but push them forward, away from the hips. Lift your pubis towards your navel.

Next, lift up your chin slightly away from the sternum and firm your shoulder blades against your back. Press the top of the sternum towards your chin. Your outer arms should be firm and the shoulder blades broadened.

Thereafter, attempt to lift the space between them at the base of the neck up into the torso. Stay in the pose for about half a minute a one minute. Exhale gently and roll your spine slowly onto the floor.

Yoga pose for infertility #3: Lotus Pose

Padmasana or Lotus Pose

There are three poses to stimulate and relax the abdominal and reproductive areas. One of these is the lotus pose. Begin by placing yourself in a sitting position, legs straight out in front of you.

Next, bend down and pull your right leg up, curving at the hip joint instead of the knee. Rest your right foot in the crook of your left arm and relax. Slowly place your right foot on top of your left thigh with your right knee on the floor.

Draw your left leg and repeat the steps. Following that, sit with your legs crossed and place each of your hand and fingertips at the top of each knee. Remember at each practice, to alternate the cross of the outer leg so as to not place too much stress on your hip joint.

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Yoga pose for infertility #4: Supported Headstand Pose

Salamba Sirsasana or Supported Headstand

Salamba Sirsasana, or supported headstand as it is known globally, is a pose that is strengthens the whole body, reduces symptoms of asthma and insomnia and even relaxes the mind to relieve stress.

It stimulates the hormones too. It is advisable to practice this pose against a wall to avoid placing too much weight on the head and neck.

Firstly begin in the Balasana’s pose. Next, keeping your hands together, place your forearms on the floor with your head between your fingers.

Breathe in and move your feet closer to your head with your heels up and shoulder blades down into your back. Breathe out and lift your legs up together. Trust your legs upwards and unfolding them at the knees with your toes pointed. Try not to arch your back.

To avoid applying pressure to the tailbone, stretch your legs upward. This pose should be held for 10 seconds or more. Gently end this pose by curling our legs down in a fluid motion and releasing yourself back into the Child’s Pose.

Invite your partner

If doing these alone can seem rather dispiriting, get your partner to join in! Not only would it seem more interesting, the relationship is also being strengthened at the same time.

Care should be taken when attempting any yoga pose, especially for beginners. Such poses are best done with the support of an experienced yoga teacher. Have fun and enjoy!

Flip to the next page to watch a video on more yoga poses for infertility.

Watch the video below for a variety of yoga poses for infertility

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Written by

Miss Vanda