Managing Work After Maternity Leave: Tips for Mums

Feeling anxious about returning to work after maternity leave? Find out how to manage the transition like a pro!

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Returning to work after maternity leave can be both exciting and overwhelming. Many mums look forward to getting back to their careers but also feel the weight of leaving their little ones behind. It’s natural to feel torn, but with some planning and flexibility, balancing work after maternity leave is possible.


Ease Into Your First Week Back

Your first week back at work is a big adjustment, and preparing for it can make things easier. Gradually easing your baby into a new routine will help both of you adapt to the changes. Whether it’s leaving them with family or starting them at childcare, practising this routine ahead of time can reduce stress. It’s perfectly normal to feel anxious, but don’t put too much pressure on yourself to have everything figured out immediately.

Give yourself some breathing room during this first week. If possible, talk to your employer about a flexible schedule. Working shorter hours or starting later can help you find your rhythm as you transition back into the workplace. Remember, it’s okay to take things slow.


Open Communication with Your Employer

When returning to work after maternity leave, being upfront with your employer about your needs is key. Many workplaces are open to flexibility, especially for new mums, so don’t hesitate to ask for adjustments if needed. Whether it’s reducing hours or working from home part-time, discussing these options can make your work-life balance more manageable.

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A supportive employer will understand the challenges of returning to work after maternity leave and work with you to ensure a smooth transition. You shouldn’t feel guilty for asking for help. Your wellbeing is just as important as your work performance.


Managing Expectations

One of the biggest challenges mums face when returning to work after maternity leave is managing expectations. You may feel pressure to perform at the same level as before, but it’s important to be realistic. Balancing motherhood and work is not easy, and it’s okay to take time to find your footing.

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Set small, achievable goals for your first few weeks back. You’re still adjusting, and your routine will take time to settle. Allow yourself to feel proud of even the smallest accomplishments, and don’t be too hard on yourself if things don’t go as planned.


Dealing with Mum Guilt

Mum guilt is something many mothers experience when they return to work after maternity leave. You might worry about not spending enough time with your baby or not being present for every milestone. However, it’s important to remember that you’re doing your best, and that’s enough.

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Being a working mum means you’re providing for your family in more ways than one. Try to focus on the quality of time you spend with your baby rather than the quantity. When you’re with them, be fully present, and when you’re at work, give yourself permission to focus on your job without guilt.


Final Thoughts

Balancing work after maternity leave can be tough, but with the right mindset and support, you can do it. Take things one day at a time, communicate your needs with your employer, and be kind to yourself. The key is finding a routine that works for both you and your family. It may not be perfect, but with patience and flexibility, you’ll get there.


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Written by

Matt Doctor