Woman gets pregnant by 3D porn

People come up with fantabulous excuses for cheating. What’s worse is that the spouse or lover actually buys in to the fib. So a woman swears she was impregnated after watching 3D porn…

Here’s the story, an American lady, Jennifer, managed to get a bun in the oven via watching a 3D porno flick. We wonder what 4D porno would do to her?

The hubby was in the military and upon his return from a trip to Iraq, found his wife pregnant. This has “infidelity” written all over it. But since there was an unusual amount of trust in the relationship Erick believed in his wife’s story.

He said: “I see it as suspicious. The films in 3D are very real. With today’s technology, anything is possible.”

A black kid for a white couple

What’s more amusing is that when the child came into the world, he was black—when both parents are Caucasian. Jennifer justified this by saying that the baby has an uncanny resemblance to the black male porn star that she was drooling over.

Jennifer said: “Even though my husband believed in me, my marriage could be at risk. But he knows I’m faithful.”

She went on saying, “a month after watching the movie, I started feeling dizzy and the results were positive.”

How would you react if your lady came home pregnant after watching a 3D porno? We find this absolutely ridiculous but to be on the safe side why not bring along contraceptives to the next 3D porno movie—we’re kidding! Read this and find out the 5 reasons that spouses stray. Click here for an article on how to deal with a long distance relationship.

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Written by

Felicia Chin