Learn some vegetarian weaning recipes for your baby
Weaning your baby can seem like a daunting task. But don’t worry – here are some recipe suggestions for healthy vegetarian weaning foods.
Weaning recipe 1: Vegetable blend
Good source of vitamins and iron
1 small potato, peeled
1 small piece pumpkin, peeled
1/2 cup carrot, grated
1 small piece of a green leafy vegetable (such as broccoli, zucchini, lettuce)
Using a steamer, bring a small amount of water to the boil. Add the vegetables, cover with a tight fitting lid and cook quickly until vegetables are soft. Finally press vegetables through a strainer or puree in a blender or food processor.
Weaning recipe 2: Banana puree
Good source of potassium and calcium
1 small ripe banana
1-2 tsps of baby rice
2 tbsps of milk
Mash the banana well until smooth. Then mix the rice and milk, and stir into the banana. Adjust the texture with milk or rice to make a runnier or firmer purée.
Weaning recipe 3: Broccoli and cauliflower puree
Good source of vitamin C and Iron
1 large floret of broccoli
1 large floret of cauliflower
Baby’s usual milk
Steam the vegetables until they are tender. Purée in a blender and adjust the texture with boiled cooled water or baby’s usual milk.
Weaning recipe 4: Sweet potato mash
Good source of beta carotene and fibre.
1 sweet potato
Baby’s usual milk
Boil the sweet potato until it is tender. When done, drain and mash well, adding baby’s usual milk to make a suitable consistency.
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