Many of these acronyms are meant to keep parents out of the loop; to keep their actions and whereabouts a secret.
I’m sure I don’t have to tell you this isn’t a good idea. There is nothing wrong with giving your teen a certain degree of privacy–we all need and crave it. But there is a difference between privacy and secrecy.
Texting lingo
The following acronyms and their meanings will help you decipher what your teens are saying about you, themselves and their friends.
121 A private conversation one to one
143 I love you
1432 I love you, too
182 I hate you
20 Location
2MI Too much information
420 Let’s get high
555 Crying/sobbing
6Y Sexy
9 Parent is watching
ACC Anyone can come or Available on cell
B9: Boss is watching
BAS Big ass smile
BFD Big freaking deal
BIH Burn in hell
BIOYA Blow it out your ass
BRBB Be right back b—-
BTYCL Booty call
CSL Can’t stop laughing
D46? Down for sex?
DKDC Don’t know don’t care
DM Do me (this means the person is going to be themselves)
E Ecstasy
ESAD Eat s—- and die
EWI Emailing while intoxicated
EZ Easy
FU I think you know this one already
GAFC Get a f-ing clue
GAL Get a life
H&K Hugs and kisses
IB I’m back
IDK I don’t know
IGDT I got drunk tonight
IGHT I got high tonight
IGLT I got laid tonight
JK Just kidding
KMA Kiss my ass
KPC Keeping parents clueless
LGH Let’s get high
LH6 Let’s have sex
LMFAO Laughing my f—– ass off
MIRL Meet in real life
MOS Mother over shoulder
P911 Parents coming into room alert
PAW Parents are watching
PYT Pretty young thing
ROFLMFAO Rolling on the floor laughing my f—ing ass off
SorG Straight or gay?
TD2M Talk dirty to me
YBS You’ll be sorry
Slang language
Texting lingo isn’t the only language your teen is speaking. Just like we had our words; ‘ace’, ‘bangin’, ‘bite me’, bohunk’, ‘boss’, ‘ditz’…your teens have slang words they use, too. Our parents couldn’t make sense of what we were talking about, you probably feel the same way when you hear some of the things that come out of your teen’s mouth. Chill out (relax). The mini dictionary that follows should help.
LIKE BUTTER Smooth and easy That test was smooth like butter.
BOUNCE Leave I gotta bounce.
CHILLAXIN Relaxing, taking it easy We’re just chillaxin and watching a movie.
CRAY CRAY Crazy and not cool That teacher is cray cray!
FO SHO For sure I’ll be at the game fo sho.
HATERADE Negative talk Don’t be all haterade about him.
SWAGG Cool or looking nice He’s got his swagg on tonight.
FLY Pretty or good looking She’s lookin’ fly in the dress.
CO-PILOT Won’t get high while you do Will you be my co-pilot at the party?
Knowing what your teen is talking about will give you more insight as to what they are doing in their spare time and who they are doing it with. But remember…knowing what they are saying doesn’t give you license to talk like they do. Besides…you don’t want to give away all your parental ‘trade secrets’. Sometimes it’s better to keep them guessing.
Darla Noble has been married to her childhood sweetheart, John, for 32 years. They are the parents of 4 beautiful children, an equally beautiful daughter-in-law, three son in-laws, 2 perfect granddaughters and are anxiously awaiting the arrival of 2 more grandchildren in the next few months. Darla, who has 25 years of experience, is passionate about her writing; mainly focusing on parenting/family issues, women’s interest, inspirational storytelling and writing to, for and about teenagers. Darla has also spent 20 years speaking to women and teens-inspiring them to live a life of love, faith, passion, wit and wisdom.
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