Being a teacher is not an easy job on any given day; not only do they carry the responsibility to giving children proper education, they also need to make sure that their students are nurtured emotionally. Harder still is when you find out that the very children you are supposed to be nurturing are trouble waiting to happen.
On the website Reddit, teachers shared the worst things their students did that made them realize their students are not role models on the making but the exact opposite.
Liar liar pants on fire

“[One of my students] lied to me about not finishing a project by saying her mother had terminal cancer. My dad died of cancer when I was her age. Falling over myself to accommodate the situation, I felt terrible in so many ways later on.”
A sticky situation

“[He] covered the whole toilet (seat, bowl, everything) in sh*t and came back to class with his hands still covered in poo—that was in a private tutoring school and all 10 students shared a bathroom. He was 16.”
Animal cruelty

“I used to teach two-year-olds at a daycare and there were three little baby wrens hopping around the playground and so another teacher and I pointed them out to the kids. The kids were all smiling and laughing, they loved them! Then one of the kids from my class…got this big grin on his face and stomped on one until it was dead. It was horrifying. I scooped up the other baby birds and put them outside the gate (needless to say).”
Human cruelty

“On his first day at our school (middle of the year transfer) he picked out who was essentially our alpha male 8th grader and proceeded to try to kick the living bejeezus out of him. For no reason. When he came back to school, I caught him trying to stab my classroom pet rabbit. Multiple times. Needless to say, he only lasted a couple of weeks before he was permanently expelled because of his violent tendencies.”
Manipulative minors

“He loved making girls uncomfortable. He would get such a thrill out of it. He loved putting them in a position where they wanted to move away from him, but they couldn’t (sitting on their desk, backing them into a corner, etc), but the thing is is that he was so charming.
“He was LOVELY. He would say hello and goodbye to me and just smile. His smile was so unnerving. He came very close to putting a pencil in a girl’s eye once, and was suspended for three weeks because of it. He said he wanted to see what would happen, and just smiled the entire time he was in the office with the headmaster. “
Sexually inappropriate

“I was about 2 weeks into my first job. Another student dropped a pen by accident, I picked it up. Straightened to find one of the biggest boys in the class (about 14 years old) standing right next to me.
“He got even closer and said ‘Good girl.’ I was kind of shocked, so just said ‘Excuse me?’ and he replied with the creepiest ever top-to-toe survey of my body, a leer and then asked ‘Would you rather be a bad girl?