10 useful superpowers every parent would love to have

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These are the superpowers that all parents wish they had!

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Every parent is a superhero. There’s no doubt about that! Then again, everyone daydreams about having superpowers to make our lives a bit easier!

Here’s a list of ten super powers that all parents would love to have:

1. Telepathy

telepathy post

Imagine knowing what’s on your kids mind at any time. Their wants, their needs—the power to know is yours. It might be a good idea to keep out of your teenager’s heads, though!


2. Healing

Imagine all the trips to the doctor you’d save! No more sick days for your kids, they’ll be healthy and as good as new with the snap of a finger.

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To find out more of the powers parents want most, keep reading!

3. Weather Control

Now the kids have no excuse to stay in the house. They’ll have to get outside and play! Not a bad power for planning a trip to the beach either.


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4. Time Manipulation

Imagine this: your kids wake up late for school and will now tally up a tardy on their record. Not anymore! Now you can freeze, rewind, or even speed up time whenever you want. Not to mention the possibilities for personal time!


5. Mind Control

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Okay, so reading your kid’s mind would be very cool, but imagine controlling their minds. Brush your teeth, do your homework, walk the dog—the power is yours!


6. Duplication

So your partner isn’t around to shoulder the load of watching the kids. Why not duplicate yourself to help assuage the burden? Power is in numbers!

To find out more of the powers parents want most, keep reading!

7. Superspeed

Complete your grocery shopping, prepare dinner, and clean the house all in the blink of an eye. Now you can sit back, relax and enjoy a nice afternoon nap.


8. Invisibility

Ever wonder what your kids are doing when you aren’t around? Well, why not do a little investigative parenting using your handy invisibility abilities! Monitor your kids without them ever knowing.

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9. Generate Force Fields

This will help you take timeouts to the next level! Plus, you can keep your kids safe no matter what.


10. Superintelligence

Become your kid’s personal tutor for all subjects. They’ll never need Google again!


READ: 9 White lies we tell our kids

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