Tragedy struck a loving Singapore family this past Hari Raya Aidilfitri long weekend. On Friday, 15 June, the parents of two young siblings aged just five and eight, died in a deadly car crash in Johor. Mr Chua Keh Loing, 41, died at the scene of the accident. His wife, Madam Sam Chew Yong, 42, passed away in hospital from her injuries. The two young siblings orphaned in car crash got away with broken limbs.

Siblings orphaned in car crash: the brother and sister at their parents’ wake | Image courtesy Straits Times [screengrab]
Siblings Orphaned in Car Crash Grieve for Their Parents
Eight-year-old Chua Jun Xian and his sister, Xin Rou, who is five, were born in Malaysia. According to The Straits Times, the little ones joined their parents in Singapore three years ago, after being cared for by Madam Sam’s mother in Malaysia. Their parents were permanent residents of Singapore.
But now that they no longer have their parents to look after them, their extended family face a dilemma about their care. The children’s grandmother is reportedly paralysed and cannot look after her grandchildren.
The boy – Jun Xian – fractured his right arm in the accident, while his little sister Xin Rou, injured her right leg. Thankfully, both are recovering from their physical injuries well and have been discharged from hospital.
Madam Sam’s youngest brother reportedly said the family had borrowed his car for their drive to Malaysia. It was the first time Mr Chua ever drove there.
“I had just seen them that morning at about 7 a.m., and when I got the news in a text at about 5 p.m., I just couldn’t wrap my head around it,” said Mr Sam (the brother).
He elaborated that the orphaned siblings keep asking for their parents.
“The only thing we can tell them is that they’ve gone to a different world. I don’t think they understand, but at least we’re not hiding it from them,” he mentioned.
Little Xin Rou, just five years old. | Image courtesy Straits Times screengrab
She Had No Words
At the wake, relatives reportedly said little Xin Rou had gone very quiet when first told her parents were no longer with her. But, after she said her final goodbyes to them at the wake, she started talking again.
Now, Madam Sam’s brother doesn’t know what to do with his niece and nephew.
“I’m the only one who lived with them in Singapore, but I can’t look after them alone because I have to work,” he said.
“We will have to discuss among ourselves about how to raise them, but there’s just so much to settle right now with the funeral.”
Mr Sam Yeang Shun – the older brother – told The New Paper that they badly needed help to figure out what to do with the children.
“We are not familiar with the legal procedures in Singapore. We do not know how to handle the finances, housing and schooling arrangements for the children,” he explained.
Jun Xian, age 8 | Image courtesy Straits Times screengrab
Neighbours of the family here in Singapore described the family as close and friendly. One of them mentioned that they loved gardening.
Meanwhile, Mr Chua’s cousin, Mr Billy Chua who lives in Kuala Lumpur, said, “It’s incredibly sad that this funeral is the first occasion I got to see him in years, and my nephew and niece for the first time. It’s really tragic that two young children have lost their parents just like that.”
Here at theAsianparent, we hope these two young siblings orphaned in car crash get the help and care they need.
As much as we hate to think of it, if something happens to us, who will care for our children? What about the legalities of this process? This is why it’s so very important to write a Will documenting everything, while we are still young and able.
In your Will, you should appoint:
- A legal guardian to care for your children in the event of your passing before they reach adulthood;
- A trustee to manage your assets till your child reaches adulthood; and
- Two executors to distribute your assets and manage your affairs after your death. Being testate would eliminate any uncertainties over your assets in the event you pass away.
For more important details on writing a Will in Singapore, please read this article very carefully: Have You Written Your Will Yet?
Source: The Straits Times