Retro toys making a comeback

Are retro toys for kids really making a comeback? More and more toys are coming back onto the shelves after a very long break. Ironically, our kids not only have the hottest new technology, but also play with new versions of the same toys we played with as kids.

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Click on the image to read about choosing the right toys for your kids

Click on the image to read about choosing the right toys for your kids

The toys that kids have today are amazing. Every new mom, dad, grandma, aunt, or anyone buying a toy agrees that toy makers just keep coming up with better and better technology. However, there is another trend among toy makers besides coming up with the next hot toy; reintroducing an old toy. More and more toys are coming back onto the shelves after a very long break. Ironically, our kids not only have the hottest new technology, but also play with new versions of the same toys we played with as kids. Here are a few retro toys that are making a comeback:

Skip it

This toy first came out in the 80’s and then again in the 90’s. The toy fastened around the ankle and counted each time you skipped over it with the other leg. The skip it today of course has been updated with lights and sounds to reflect new technology available.

Little Tikes Cozy Coupe

This little one-seater car just celebrated its 30 year anniversary. The foot-powered car originally came out in orange and yellow, but now comes in pink and blue as well. It also recently underwent a make-over with additions of big eyes on the front.

Cabbage Patch Kids

These simple dolls with big cheeks and yarn hair first appeared in the late 70’s. They were all the rage for many years with every girl owning at least one. The cabbage patch kids then took a small break and recently reappeared with some small changes to appease the newer generation.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Boys everywhere in the early 90’s knew the theme song to this show, the colors and names of each turtle, and each turtle’s favorite kind of pizza. Slowly, Michaelangelo, Donatello, and the gang were replaced by the next biggest toy. Recently the turtles started appearing again with their show on Nickelodeon and figurines on toy shelves.

My Little Pony

My Little Pony has pretty much the same story as the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle; girls everywhere obsessed about them in the early 90’s. After a while, they went out of style until recently with the popularity of their show on Hub TV. Figurines and accessories are selling off the shelves with a new generation of girls obsessed with My Little Pony.

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When introducing a new toy, it’s always a gamble. Retro toys are safe. They have a record of sales behind them and are an easy sell, especially to parents who want their children to have the same experiences that they did as children. That’s the reason retro is in.

Click here for an article about dangerous toys to stay away from!

Read about what a doctor has to say about toys — what’s good, what isn’t and how long your kid should spend playing with toys. More here.

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Written by

Christy Rasmussen