PSLE results 2013 released today!

It's that time of the year again - PSLE results were released earlier today! See what ministers have to say and important points to note when dealing with your child's results - good or not so!

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Students anxiously awaiting their PSLE results – Credit:

PSLE results were released today and we hope that all participating students gave it their best, as well as, received the results they were hoping for! We were pleased to learn that 97.5% of students who sat for the exam are eligible to move to secondary schools!

More students who sat for the exam this year, successfully made it to the Express stream, compared to last year’s numbers – 66.7% made it to the Express stream (almost a 4% increase from last year) 19.9% qualified for the Normal (Academic) and 10. 9% made it into the Normal (Technical) streams.

Unlike previous years, highest and lowest scores were not released. This was done in a bid to focus less on academic qualifications of students and shift focus more towards overall development of the child. Children shouldn’t become their PSLE scores, at such a young age they are already bombarded by the pressures that our education system imposes on them – what should matter is that they put in their best efforts!

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Prime Minister, Lee Hsien Loong, commented on a Facebook post that, “All the best to students receiving their PSLE results tomorrow! Whatever your results, I am confident you can continue your education in a good school, with dedicated teachers who will help you achieve your best.”

He also added that these young students should focus on other successes other than just that of high academic standing.

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RELATED: How to deal with your child’s PSLE results. 

Children should be reminded that life is to be enjoyed, there will be difficult times and significant struggles (exams such as the PSLE, for example) but these things to not define them utterly and totally.

Education Minister Heng Swee Keat, too, reminded parents not to stress too heavily on the results of their children. He commented in a Facebook post, saying, “When the results are out, please do remember not to judge your own child, or others’ children, by a number.”

We are glad to see that our ministers, too, are focusing on reminding parents that exams scores and results are not the be all and end all for our children. There’s so much this world has to offer for our children, within and beyond the textbooks, and they should be reminded of this.

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We are not negating the importance of academic success, we just want to remind you and your children that there are other facets in life to succeed in, as well!

Photos and statistics sourced from:

Continue on to the next page for some important factors to note when choosing schools! 

RELATED: Find out how to go about choosing schools with your child!

What do I need to consider?

As a parent you might feel pressured to place your child in the best school, using cut-off points as an indicator as to how good the school is. However, children thrive differently based on their individual abilities and personalities.

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Minister for Education Mr Heng Swee Keat advised parents, in a Facebook post, to discuss the matter with their children. It is important that parents understand the needs of their children, both academically and holistically. He believes that while some children will flourish under a certain system, another child will not do so well under the same regime.

Children tend to do better when they feel motivated and parents need to find out what factors will help motivate their child better – another point that Mr Heng noted. Factors such as co-curricular activities (CCA) and niche programmes offered by schools could be major motivators for children.

What other factors play a part?


Other factors that could affect your child’s secondary school education and essentially how well he or she performs would be the distance. Living in Singapore, distance is a much smaller problem as compared to other countries. However, an hour’s travel time as compared to 15 minutes could affect your child in the long run.


What if my child did not meet the minimum requirements?

Mr Heng stressed that even if a child did not make the cut-off to proceed to secondary school, neither parents nor the child should feel disheartened. They can try taking their PSLE again next year or enroll at Assumption Pathway School or NorthLight School.

He stated that both schools are good schools and have done much for its students.


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Written by

Sonia Pasupathy