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Little Zebra Latex Toddler Pillow
Made with quality materials, designed to provide the best in comfort and support for your baby.
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5.0 /5
1y agoReport
5.0 /5
Little zebra
Little Zebra products are made 100% from Natural Latex, which means it's chemical-free, safe for babies with allergies and also does not promote mold growth.Little Zebra products are made 100% from Natural Latex, which means it's chemical-free, safe for babies with allergies and also does not promote mold growth. ... Show More
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5.0 /5
3y agoReport
5.0 /5
Good product!
My little one like this brand pillow had been with her from born. Soft and smooth like tissue paper. My little one like this brand pillow had been with her from born. Soft and smooth like tissue paper. ... Show More
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5.0 /5
3y agoReport
5.0 /5
Love the size
The pillow is big, which is good for my son who likes to turn around while he sleeps. High quality material.The pillow is big, which is good for my son who likes to turn around while he sleeps. High quality material. ... Show More
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5.0 /5
4y agoReport
5.0 /5
Enjoy the product very much
Enjoy using this pillow. Easy to clean and great to use.Enjoy using this pillow. Easy to clean and great to use.
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