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I Can Read
The World's Best Reading Programme I Can Read is created by educational psychologists with the following qualification: Ph.D, BA, MA, Hons, DipEd, Master of Letters, Literature and Psychology majors, whose thesis are based on research into reading acquisition and with over 15 years of fieldwork. I Can Read creators are also the authors of “Dealing with Dyslexia and Reading Difficulties” published by Pearson Education. A proven programme trialled in over 30 Singapore schools and backed by statistical data. Over 300,000 success stories in Singapore and overseas. I Can Read is certified by Education Alliance Finland for its pedagogically sound and high standards of curriculum and methodology, while adhering to learning science principles to promote and support learning.
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5.0 /5
11mo agoReport
5.0 /5
8Due to the risk of salmonella infections, children under age 5 should not eat undercooked eggs. Runny yolks (meaning the yolk is not solid) may not be safe enough. This is because8Due to the risk of salmonella infections, children under age 5 should not eat undercooked eggs. Runny yolks (meaning the yolk is not solid) may not be safe enough. This is because toddlers and babies ... Show More
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