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Dumex Dugro Stage 3 Growing Up Milk Formula
Specially tailored sucrose-free and Healthier Choice growing up milk with 360° Nutrition, a system of important nutrients crucial to the healthy development of your child Support physical growth and development Promotes the growth of good Bifidus bacteria to help maintain a healthy digestive system Support brain development
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5.0 /5
1y agoReport
5.0 /5
Dumex dugro
Contains 360° Nutrition™ to support yr child's all-rounded growth. Try Dugro Stage 3 Now! Dugro formulated with 15 vitamins and mineralsContains 360° Nutrition™ to support yr child's all-rounded growth. Try Dugro Stage 3 Now! Dugro formulated with 15 vitamins and minerals ... Show More
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5.0 /5
2y agoReport
5.0 /5
Value for money & tasty!
I'm so lucky that my little one love the taste of Dugro because it is so affordable and it has all the nutrients that is required for growth. I checked it against the more popular I'm so lucky that my little one love the taste of Dugro because it is so affordable and it has all the nutrients that is required for growth. I checked it against the more popular brands and realized ... Show More
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