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Joie Dreamer Rocker
Joie Dreamer Rocker and Bouncer Tested beyond the standard weight capacity to hold up to 13kgs Ultra slim compact fold for easy storage in even the smallest spaces Seat gently rocks and bounces with a push or when baby moves Lightweight and easily portable 3 position reclining seat and 2 position adjustable leg rest offer comfort options for baby 2 speed soothing vibration pairs with 5 classical lullabies and 5 nature sounds to calm little ones Removable
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5.0 /5
1y agoReport
5.0 /5
This week, during our music lesson, children learned the song " I put my scarf on my head" and engage in using props ( scarves ) to enhance their sensory experiences and creativityThis week, during our music lesson, children learned the song " I put my scarf on my head" and engage in using props ( scarves ) to enhance their sensory experiences and creativity. Through this acti ... Show More
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5.0 /5
4y agoReport
5.0 /5
Great purchase
Very sturdy rocker, my baby loves it! I like how there's 3 different heights, and there is a stand at the base that can turn this into a stationary chair.Very sturdy rocker, my baby loves it! I like how there's 3 different heights, and there is a stand at the base that can turn this into a stationary chair. ... Show More
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