Tips To Make Playtime Fun for Both Parents and Kids

Parents' playtime with kids is often described as a tiring activity. Here are tips to make it more fun for both parties.

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Most parents’ playtime with kids comes off as tiring to adults with children. However, setting aside time to play with your kids works as an essential component to building a stronger bond with them.

When you play with your children, you are not just simply having fun but also helping them develop their different strengths and capabilities. 

Ensuring that you are making an extra effort to have parent-child playtime is surprisingly beneficial to your relationship. You must always connect with your child; it will become more exciting when you continuously connect with them through play. 

In this article, you’ll read:

  • Why Having Playtimes With Your Kids Is Important
  • Tips To Make Playtime Fun for Both Parents and Kids

Why Having Playtimes With Your Kids Is Important

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There could be times when playing with your child may seem like a chore, especially when you are exhausted. Even though it sometimes feels that way, it would still be better to play with them thinking of all the long-term benefits it could bring to your parent-child relationship. 

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Always remember that all the time you spend with your kids, especially the fun and enjoyable ones, has long-term benefits. It could benefit your relationship with them mentally, physically and socially. 

Below, we listed the benefits of regularly playing with your kids. We also included tips to make parents’ playtime with kids more for both parties.

Tips To Make Playtime Fun for Both Parents and Kids

Indeed, playtime is one of the significant parts of the life of every child. Aside from that, it is also a great way to make great memories with your kids. Playing also allows you to get to know your children and build a stronger relationship with them.

After knowing all the benefits of spending time and having fun with your children, it would be better for you to understand how you can do it. Here are 5 tips to make playtime with kids fun for parents:

  • Playing allows children to develop all kinds of skills, including the following:
    • Motor skills
    • Working memory
    • Creativity
    • Regulation of emotions
    • Peer group leadership
    • Cognitive flexibility
  • Play benefits not just the kids but also the parent’s health. 
  • Spending time to play helps you and your kids build a stronger relationship. Through continuously bonding with them, you are also doing things to help improve the quality of your relationships and connect on a deeper level.

Try to Have Fun Outdoors

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Nowadays, kids typically spend most of their time inside the house, in front of a screen. Yes, it could be wrong, especially when they do it in moderation.

However, parents must always keep in mind that screen time can never be an excellent alternative to outdoor play. 

Additionally, engaging in outdoor play allows your kids to gain many benefits for their well-being. It includes higher fitness, improved mental health, and increased cognitive function. Aside from that, it also allows them to experience unfamiliar things, which promotes growth, curiosity, and learning. 

Help Them Develop Creativity

Make your time with your child fun and educational at the same time. Promoting creativity can benefit your child as it helps them build fine motor skills and encourages mental development. Aside from that, it also helps kids improve and boost their self-confidence through expression. 

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The bonding becomes more meaningful when children have the opportunity to make creative decisions for themselves. It is also perfect for parents to teach their kids one crucial lesson: prioritising the process over the result or product. 

Ensure Balance Between Fun and Safety

Always keep in mind that it is vital for parents to always consider the safety of their kids in everything that they do. No matter how fun and exciting your time with the family, especially with the kids, can always be ruined by possible unwanted situations. 

Parents must always learn how to balance having fun with safety. Even though it can be a bit challenging to keep the kids safe while playing, remember that the best way you can do, is to always follow the safety rules wherever you are. 

Allow Your Child to Take the Lead

It is essential for parents to allow their children to have direct experience. Yes, as parents, you obviously learned a lot in the past that you want to impart to your kids. 

However, it is vital that you also allow your children to learn on their own and take responsibility for their actions. It will enable them to decide about the things they do while playing and spending time with you. 

Invest in Quality Time

Having the chance to spend quality time with your children is one of the rewarding parts of having playtime with them. Keep in mind that it is not just the kids learning from their parents. By frequently spending time with your kids, you would not notice, but you are also learning a lot from them.