Thermometers can be a boon for all mums striving to keep kids healthy. Types of thermometers and their efficacy have grown with advanced technology. forehead thermometer accuracy
Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit, the father of thermometer, created the ‘mercury-in-glass thermometer in 1714 and changed the temperature reading scenario forever. Over the years, thermometers have evolved into ‘non-contact’ forehead thermometers and many other types. They play a vital role in the healthcare industry.
Forehead Thermometer Accuracy and the of other thermometer types
Body temperature is a crucial component of health indicators. Any change in the optimal body temperature sends you signals that something is not right. As the first step towards a cure, you or your doctor will note down the body temperature. This is where the thermometer comes in. There is a mind-boggling variety in the market. Let us look at a basic few.
Digital Thermometers
These have heat sensors to identify the temperature of the body in contact. Oral, rectal, axillary or armpit are the three ways these are used. Of these, the armpit temperature is not always accurate whereas the rectal temperature is the most accurate.
A rectal thermometer is ideal for newborns to about age 3 years. For children above 3 years and adults, oral readings of temperature are also reliable if they keep their mouths closed when readings are taken.
Here are some options to consider:
Tympanic/Ear Thermometers
Here, infrared ray helps to measure the temperature inside the ear canal. These can be used for infants above 6 months of age and grown-ups. While the temperature recorded is very accurate, care has to be taken about positioning it right. It should also be taken into consideration that the presence of earwax can affect readings.
Here are some options to consider:
Digital Pacifier Thermometer
As the name suggests, if your child loves his/her pacifier, you may want to use this. As the child sucks on it, he/she does not realise you are measuring his/her temperature. This makes it a hassle-free process. Do note that these are not meant for newborns. The latest research says it is not always accurate, and it can be a challenge for children to grip the pacifier still inside their mouths.
Here are some options to consider:
Temporal Artery Thermometer
Also known as the ‘forehead thermometer’, it uses infrared sensors to read the temperature of the temporal artery on the forehead. It is accurate for infants above 3 months and older kids and adults. Research shows that a forehead thermometer is as accurate as a rectal thermometer.
Here are some options to consider:
Plastic Strip Thermometer
It is placed on the forehead to identify the raised body temperature, helping to indicate if a patient is running a fever. As compared to other thermometer types in the market, they are not very accurate in their readings. Hence, the use is not recommended due to the lack of reliability.
Here are some options to consider:
Mercury and Glass Thermometer
The original ‘modern thermometer’ is now an antique. You are advised not to continue its usage as it is considered harmful: the glass breaks easily and the liquid mercury inside is toxic. Though effective for adults and children, it is best to entirely avoid using it.
Of all the above thermometer types, forehead thermometer accuracy is the most reliable for homes and clinics.
- The ‘no-touch option keeps it safe from viral contamination.
- They measure within a second
- The additional feature is that it can measure room temperature and any surface temperature.
Take an informed decision about which thermometer to use at home if you have babies or the elderly to take care of. Opting for a multi-utility thermometer is a smart option.
Sources: Mayoclinic, Ashtons Hospital Pharmacy, Omron
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