MOH Cracks Down on Excessive Medical Certificate Issuance in Singapore

By enforcing stricter rules and holding doctors accountable, MOH aims to ensure that MCs are issued only when medically necessary.

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Have you ever wondered if doctors are handing out medical certificates (MCs) a little too freely? Well, the Ministry of Health (MOH) in Singapore has been thinking the same thing, and they’re taking action to address this issue head-on.


Singapore Medical Certificates Under Scrutiny

MOH is proposing amendments to the Healthcare Services Act to tighten the conditions for issuing Singapore medical certificates. This move comes in response to concerns raised about the excessive issuance of MCs following outpatient medical service consultations.


Teleconsultations and Medical Certificates

Source: Changi General Hospital

One of the main issues highlighted by MOH is the issuance of Singapore medical certificates during teleconsultations. In fact, in some cases, doctors issued MCs based solely on patients’ self-reported reasons, without properly assessing if the conditions warranted an MC.

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Proposed Regulations for Medical Certificates

Source: Depositphotos

To address the excessive issuance of medical certificates, MOH plans to require doctors to include their names and medical council registration numbers on every MC issued.

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Consequently, any doctor found advertising or allowing the practice of “anonymised” MC issuance would be breaching this regulation, which could lead to revoking their medical practitioner’s license.


Doctors’ Obligations Regarding MCs

MOH and the Singapore Medical Council have reminded doctors to adhere to the Ethical Code and Ethical Guidelines when issuing medical certificates.

MCs should only be issued on proper medical grounds, based on a thorough clinical assessment. Doctors cannot consider extraneous factors, such as who pays for the consultation or what benefits the patients may receive.

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What the Medical Certificates Crackdown Means for Parents

As a parent, you can have confidence that MOH is working to ensure that medical certificates are issued responsibly and ethically. When your child receives an MC, trust that it’s based on a proper medical assessment and not simply a way to skip school.

However, you must still maintain open communication with your child’s doctor and school to ensure that they are addressing any medical issues appropriately.


The Future of Singapore MCs

MOH’s efforts demonstrate a commitment to maintaining the integrity of the healthcare system by curbing the excessive issuance of medical certificates.

MOH will enforce stricter rules and hold doctors accountable to ensure that they issue MCs only when medically necessary.

As parents, stay informed about these changes. Share your thoughts and experiences with other parents, and work together to support responsible healthcare practices for your children.

Engage in open dialogue and collaborate with healthcare providers and schools to help ensure the appropriate and effective use of medical certificates.


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Written by

Miko Pagaduan