Local Comedian and actor Marcus Chin became a dad last week when his Malaysian girlfriend Eileen Cheah gave birth to a 2.99kg baby girl. The 57-year-old stayed with Eileen age 25 throughout the entire labour and even personally cut the baby’s umbilical cord.
“At my age, I should be a grandfather already, yet now I’m a father! At least this is better than having no chance at all!”, he tearfully shared.
The labour was a natural drug-less delivery. Eileen revealed that she wanted it that way to get a taste of what it feels like to be a mother. “It really hurt a lot and I had to scream; I almost wanted to give up,” she shares.
The ecstatic couple is now hoping for a second child. “I hope this daughter can bring along a brother for me. But even if the second child is a daughter it’s ok for us; we just want two children,” shares Marcus.
Marcus is now currently embroiled in divorce proceedings with his current wife retired Taiwanese singer Murong Ying. Chin had married Ying in 1987. They separated after Chin was discovered dating his personal assistant, Eileen Cheah, at that time.
Shaun Chen And Celine Chin Welcome Baby No. 2 To The Family!