7 Signs of A Lying Partner

Dishonesty can be a destructive force in any relationship. Here are common signs of a lying partner to help you spot potential issues.

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Honesty is becoming increasingly rare in today’s world, particularly in relationships. It’s not uncommon to suspect that your partner is not telling the truth. 

We all want to have faith in our partners. But what happens if we suspect they aren’t telling the truth? The thought of being lied to by someone we care about can be horrifying.

7 Signs of A Lying Partner

If you suspect your partner is lying to you, here are some red flags to look for:

1. Inconsistencies in their story

If your partner is lying, their story may not make sense. Take note of any inconsistencies or contradictions in what they’re saying. It could be a red flag if they tell you one thing one day and something completely different the next.

2. Avoiding eye contact

When we lie, we frequently avoid making eye contact with the person we are deceiving. If your partner avoids making eye contact with you while talking, it could be a sign that they’re not telling the truth.

3. Being defensive

If your partner becomes defensive when you ask them a question, this could indicate that they are lying. When you ask them a question, they may become angry or defensive, or they may try to change the subject.

4. Being overly specific

If your partner is lying, they may try to be overly specific in order to persuade you that they are telling you the truth. They may provide you with too much information or attempt to be overly detailed. This could indicate that they’re trying too hard to persuade you of something that’s not true.

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5. Changes in behaviour

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If your partner is lying, they may begin to act differently. They may become more distant or begin to act out of character. If you notice any abrupt changes in your partner’s behaviour, this could be an indication that something is wrong.

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6. Lack of emotion

When we tell the truth, we frequently use emotion to support our story. If your partner is lying, they may appear emotionless. They may appear distant or detached, and they may exhibit no signs of guilt or remorse.

7. Gaslighting

Manipulative people use gaslighting to make their partners doubt their own reality. If your partner is gaslighting you, they may try to convince you that you’re hallucinating or being overly sensitive. This could indicate that they are attempting to conceal their own lies.


How To Deal With Dishonesty In A Relationship?

If you suspect your partner is lying to you, it’s critical that you confront the issue. Discuss your concerns with them and see if you can solve the problem together. If your partner continues to deceive you, this could be an indication that there are deeper issues in your relationship that need to be addressed.

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Remember that lying to you, especially your partner, is never acceptable. If you’re constantly doubting your partner, it’s time to rethink your relationship and consider seeking help from a therapist or counsellor.

Indeed, trust is an essential component of any relationship. If you suspect your partner is lying to you, pay attention to the warning signs and don’t be afraid to confront the issue.

You can work through any challenges and build a stronger, more trusting relationship by being open and honest with each other.


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Written by

Matt Doctor