It's All About Family: GE2020 Candidates Share Heartwarming Stories of Family Support During This Campaign Period

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Their loved ones is what kept them going through the intense campaigning period.

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Campaigning is tough work. There’s lots of ground to cover if they want to meet most, if not all, the residents in their constituency, so much so that some candidates resort to running. Even when politicians talk to people in coffeeshops it can result in a shouting match. And they may even run into political rivals while on the go or become a meme overnight.

So what keeps this year’s electoral candidates going? For some, it’s the strong family support that they have. Here are some heartwarming family moments that candidates have shared over the past week of intense campaigning.

GE2020 Candidates Share Heartwarming Family Moments

Mariam Jaafar

The People’s Action Party (PAP) candidate for Sembawang GRC shared a photo of herself with her husband who was with her on the campaign trail to help distribute flyers.

Hazel Poa

It’s not the first time that Progress Singapore Party (PSP) candidate Poa and her husband Tony Tan have been on the campaign trail together. After all, both he and Poa stood for election with the National Solidarity Party in 2011.

Tan may not be running this year, but that has not stopped him from hitting the streets with his wife. “Tony and I always fight together, be it in business or the political arena,” wrote Poa in a Facebook post.

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Dr Chee Soon Juan

In a show of support for her husband, Dr Chee’s wife, Huang Chih-Mei, wrote a post on the Singapore Democratic Party chief’s Facebook page and shared an old photo of Dr Chee selling his books together with his two children.

Raymond Lye

It’s the herbal soups and tea that’s made with love that keep PAP’s Raymond Lye going. The Sengkang GRC candidate shared photos of his wife’s hard work and took the chance to thank his family for their understanding for all the times that he was away from the family doing volunteer work over the last 20 years.

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Vikram Nair

It’s nice to know that the PAP Sembawang GRC candidate managed to find some time to spend with his daughter after not seeing her for two days, and he even managed to share about the places that he had been to while campaigning.

Tan Wu Meng

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What do you do if you miss your dad because he is busy campaigning? Make a drawing for him like what PAP candidate Tan Wu Meng’s daughter did.

Gigene Wong

The PSP Hong Kah North SMC candidate’s sister has shown tremendous support for Wong ever since her candidacy was announced. From appearing in a video where she sang and played the harmonica to being mistaken for Wong while distributing flyers at the MRT station, Wong’s identical twin has done it all. After all, that’s what family is for, right?

This article was first published in AsiaOne and republished on theAsianparent with permission.

Lead image from Facebook/Mariam Jaafar and Facebook/Chee Soon Juan


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