5 Simple Ways to Improve Focus in Children

Want your child to focus better? These five practical tips will help improve focus in children, making learning easier and more enjoyable.

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Improving focus in children can be a challenge for many parents. However, with a few practical strategies, you can help your child develop this important skill. Whether it’s staying on task during homework or paying attention in class, focus is essential for their success. Below are five effective practices to improve focus in children, making it easier for them to concentrate and excel.


1. Encourage Belly Breathing for Calmness

One of the easiest ways to improve focus in children is through belly breathing. This technique, also known as diaphragmatic breathing, helps lower blood pressure and clears the mind, making it easier to concentrate. When children are faced with challenging tasks, they can become anxious, causing their heart rate to rise and their focus to wane. Teaching your child to practice deep breathing when they feel overwhelmed can help them stay calm and focused.

You can make belly breathing a fun activity. Ask your child to place their hand on their belly and feel it rise and fall with each breath. This simple exercise can be done anytime, especially before starting a task that requires concentration.


2. Provide a Brain-Boosting Diet

Nutrition plays a key role in how well a child can focus. A balanced diet rich in nutrients is essential for brain health and can significantly improve focus in children. Make sure your child eats a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, and healthy fats. These foods provide the necessary vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that the brain needs to function at its best.

Particularly important are Omega-3 fatty acids, which are known to support brain development and focus. Foods like walnuts, chia seeds, flaxseeds, and fatty fish (such as salmon and mackerel) are excellent sources of Omega-3s. Including these in your child’s diet can enhance their ability to concentrate, making schoolwork and other tasks easier to manage.


3. Create a Distraction-Free Environment

Children are naturally more prone to distractions than adults. To improve focus in children, it’s crucial to create an environment that minimises distractions. This might mean turning off the TV, lowering the volume on any music, and keeping toys out of sight during study time.

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In today’s digital world, reducing screen time is also important. Encourage your child to complete tasks without the interference of mobile phones or tablets. A clean, quiet, and well-lit workspace can make a significant difference in their ability to focus.


4. Keep Them Hydrated

Staying hydrated is often overlooked, but it’s vital for maintaining focus. Dehydration can lead to a drop in concentration and cognitive function. To improve focus in children, make sure they drink water regularly throughout the day. A good rule of thumb is to encourage them to sip water every 20 minutes, especially during study sessions.

This simple habit helps keep their energy levels up and their minds sharp. Avoid sugary drinks, as these can lead to energy crashes, and instead, make water the drink of choice.

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5. Establish a Consistent Study Routine

Consistency can make a world of difference when it comes to improving focus in children. Establishing a daily study routine helps your child develop a habit of focusing at the same time each day. Over time, their brain will recognise this period as the time for learning, making it easier for them to concentrate.

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Start by setting a specific time each day for homework or study. Stick to this schedule, even on weekends, to reinforce the habit. Eventually, your child will begin to associate this time with focus and productivity, reducing the effort needed to get them started.


Final Thoughts

Helping your child improve their focus doesn’t have to be difficult. By incorporating these five practices—belly breathing, a brain-boosting diet, creating a distraction-free environment, staying hydrated, and establishing a study routine—you can make a real difference in their ability to concentrate. With patience and consistency, you’ll see them develop the focus they need to succeed in school and beyond.



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Written by

Matt Doctor