How To Survive and Thrive as a Solo Traveller

Exploring the world alone requires a lot of preparation to ensure personal security. Here are essential travel tips that every solo traveller must know.

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Travelling solo can be a liberating experience since you are free to do as you please and roam wherever you wish without compromising your needs with others. If exploring the world alone has always been a dream but your insecurity keeps rearing its head to hold you back, it is time to brace yourself, all you need is a little preparation.

In this article, we will highlight some essential solo travel tips that will keep you safe and protected while navigating a foreign country alone. Read on to find out.

Essential Solo Travel Tips To Keep You Safe and Protected

These travel tips offer protection and convenience wherever you decide to go. Try to get these preparation work in order before hopping on the next flight!

Protect Yourself With Travel Insurance

Travel insurance is one of the key solo travel essentials that provide financial protection against unexpected travel mishaps, delays and flight cancellations that may cost you more than what you budget for.

It can be an extremely unpleasant experience to be stuck in unpleasant situations like medical emergencies, baggage loss, flight delays and thefts in a foreign land and the subsequent costs that come with them can be even more devastating. This is why travel insurance should never be overlooked by solo travellers.

Select a policy that best fits your travel style and add on riders to cater to your unique preference. For example, if you are travelling for extreme sports or have an existing medical condition, some insurers do offer riders that protect you from related emergency situations.

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Research Your Solo Travel Destination

Doing a thorough research on your travel destination prior to your solo travel trip can help you identify where are the safe sites to visit and how to get there with the most convenient transportation mode.

Travelling solo can sometimes get more costly than travelling in groups. Taking time to plan your travel schedule and route not only ensure you will have a more fulfilling trip but also decrease travel time, expenses as well as improve personal safety.

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Keep Valuables and Cash Out of Sight

Whether you are travelling to a developed city like London or a third-world country like Mexico, never flash your valuables or wallet with stacks of cash for all to see. Even your latest iPhone and expensive camera can be the target of pickpockets and thieves.

When travelling solo, do not stand out from the crowd with flashy and extravagant displays. Blending in with the locals can help you stay away from unwanted attention and prevent theft or robbery.

Source: Unsplash

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Do Not Share Your Real-Life Location With the Public

When you are abroad, never share your location or travel routes with strangers or the public via social media. Even if someone you meet appears friendly and honest, that does not mean you should be too trusting. Divulging too much information may put you at risk of being stalked or scammed while travelling solo in unfamiliar territories.

On the other hand, you must share your travel plans with trusted family or friends. By keeping in touch regularly, not only do you offer them peace of mind but also ensure your safety is constantly in check.

Be Mindful of Your Surroundings

By all means, have a fun and relaxing holiday. But since you are travelling solo and there are no friends or family to look out for you, you need to exercise caution in all your overseas activities. For example, never leave your drink at the bar with a stranger, always avoid alleyways that are poorly lit and stay alert if someone seems to take more interest in you than usual.

If you are not sure where the ‘safer’ sightseeing spots are, try consulting with your hotel manager or local tourist information officer. They will be able to recommend sites and transportation modes based on your preference.

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Source: Unsplash

Sort Out Your Travel Arrangements in Advance

One solo travel tip that is often overlooked is leaving your travel arrangements too loosely planned. At the very least, you should book your first night’s accommodation to ensure you have a safe place to freshen up before continuing the rest of the journey.

Nobody wants to be stranded in an unfavourable or stuck in dangerous predicament when vacationing abroad. Planning your solo travel routes in advance assures a smoother trip that is free from unnecessary hiccups.

Keep a First-Aid Kit With You

You may not always find medicines and first-aid items that you are familiar with in pharmacies abroad. This is why preparing a kit with essentials like flu meds, painkillers, bandages and antibacterial cream is important to help soothe any discomfort that may arise from minor health or physical conditions when you are away from home.

Source: Unsplash

Download Essential Apps Before Your Trip

Research and download the list of apps that will provide you with more convenience while travelling to the destination. Apps like Klook, Agoda and Tripadvisor can provide an abundance of travel information that help you make informed decisions while you are on the go.

There are also apps that are specific to your travel destination that may offer ease of navigating the city. For example, if you are travelling to Seoul, having apps like Kakao Map and Kakao Talk Messenger will make you stay a lot more efficient.


Solo travel can be just as fun as travelling with friends and family. If you are up for it, be sure to get all the travel essentials ready and follow the right protocols while you are roaming in a foreign land alone.

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This article was first published on Value Champion and was republished on theAsianparent with permission. 

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