How to save your broken eyeshadow

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Here are some tips on how you could salvage your broken eyeshadow.

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fix broken eyeshadow, repair broken eyeshadow

In the third and final part of our ‘How to Save your Broken Makeup’, we are sharing tips on how you could repair your broken eyeshadow. Previously, we’ve provided tips on how you could save your broken powder-based makeup and broken lipstick.

In the first part of the series, we mentioned how your child may accidentally play with and drop your powder-based makeup. A similar thing could happen to your eyeshadow too, except that there are two more ways of mending it: you can transform it into either coloured lip balm or nail polish.

1. Repurpose your broken eyeshadow as coloured lip balm

Vaseline from Guardian

What you need

  • Small container to store the broken eyeshadow
  • Lip balm or vaseline
  • Spoon or any mixing utensil


  • Fill the small container with the remains of the broken eyeshadows
  • Add lip balm or vaseline of your choice into the small container
  • Mix them together using a spoon or any utensil of your choice until it looks like lip paste

You just made your very own coloured lip balm! The bonus part? The vaseline or lip balm helps add moisture to your lips. This is especially helpful for those who have chapped lips but still want some colour on the lips.

Disclaimer: Some eyeshadows may not be safe for the lips. Read the labels of the products first before using.

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Head over to the next page to find out how to turn broken or unused eyeshadow into nail polish.

2. Turn broken or unused eyeshadow into nail polish

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If you’re feeling adventurous, you could even experiment with unused or even expired eyeshadow of different colours.

What you need

  • Clear nail polish
  • Butter knife or any flat object
  • Small mixing bowl
  • Toothpick
  • A paper funnel
  • Butter knife


  • On a piece of paper, pour out the broken eyeshadow remains
  • Use a butter knife or any flat object to crush the eyeshadow until it is in powdery form
  • Place the paper funnel into the nail polish
  • Add the crushed eyeshadows into the nail polish via the paper funnel
  • Use a toothpick to stir the mixture
  • Finally, put the cap back on and give the nail polish a shake

Your brand new nail polish is now good to be used! Not only do you not waste the broken eyeshadow, you also get to create it into something new!

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We hope our tips on how to save your broken makeup has been helpful. Do you have any more tips on how to re-purpose your broken makeup? Share with us by leaving a comment below!