5 must-knows to help your child become a successful adult

Learn how to help your child become a successful adult.

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Find out as a parent how to help your child become a successful adult.

Being a parent is a full time job and it’s never easy. This is because parents are responsible for their child’s well-being and development. When a child grows up to be an independent, well-mannered and jovial adult, it will instantly reflect back to the parents and their superb parenting style. When a child grows up spoiled, rude and lazy, some people can’t help but blame the parents as to how the child turned out.

Parents, make sure that your child has a great start in life. Follow these advices on how to help your child become a successful adult.

1) Teach resiliency

Resilient kids always grow up to be successful adults. This is because no matter how dire the situation they are in, they will always see the positive and bounce back into life. With resilient kids, there will never be an “I hate my life” or “the world hates me” moment.

Make it a habit to encourage your child to see the brighter side of things and to never give up after a mistake or a tragedy. This is one of the ways on how to help your child become a successful adult.

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Don’t skimp out on displays of affection like compliments, hugs and kisses for your child.

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2) Give lots of love

No matter how good a child is, he/she will never become a successful in life if there’s a lack of love. Don’t skimp out on hugs, kisses, praises and encouragements especially during those times your kid needs them. Even if your child is already a teenager, never forget to praise his/her good decisions like studying instead of watching TV or cleaning the bedroom without prompts or reaching for an apple instead of the potato chips. Your teen may just roll their eyes at your exaggerations but deep inside, they appreciate the attention and compliment.

3) Don’t fix them

Show your child that you accept them entirely even with their flaws. Children are not things that could be fixed or modified when you are not satisfied with them. If you want them to act more behaved, phrase your words in a way that they won’t be offended or harbour resentment. Instead of saying, “why can’t you be more well-behaved?” or “I told you, you must behave!”, say something like “I know you’re getting antsy but we really need to do this.” or “Wow, you are so active today! Can you show me all these moves later? For now, we have to just sit down”.

Learn more tips to raise successful adults on the next page!

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Constantly asking your child about his or her opinions helps her to express her feelings successfully in the future.

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4) Ask your child’s opinion

Parents often forget that children have opinions. One way on how to help your child become a successful adult is to constantly ask what they think on specific matters. Your child’s answers may sound silly at first. But as they grow older, they’ll be able express their feelings appropriately and even fight hard for what they believe in. You might be even looking at a future lawyer or politician!

5) Focus on their talents

One of the ways on how to help your child become a successful adult is to focus on your child’s strengths. Your son might not be great in math but he draws buildings like an architect. Your daughter might not be academically smart but she can make friends in an instant. When you nurture your children’s innate abilities, they’ll learn to love themselves and be more confident as a person.

RELATED: Bond with your child through Facebook

How are you helping your child become a successful adult? Share your experiences with us by leaving a comment. Watch this video to know how to help your child become a successful adult:

Written by

Karen Mira